a) KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists"...words are suggested over perceivable sound.
b) Sound implies action; word implies reaction.
Meaning implies having in mind; hence suggested information by another held within ones mind/memory by consent. Perceivable inspiration cannot be held onto; since it moves...
Nature doesn't offer meaning; signs; tokens; idols; REPRESENTATIONS...it's each one within that re-sponds to what is presented by ac-tion.
What if...
What implies energy, because what else could sustain being? Energy moves, and motion implicates (if/then) towards matter within, hence IF matter; THEN within motion. That's how energy comes to be internally/inherently discernible.
a) What if one who gives credit/creed/faith (consent) takes on debt (suggested) as burden upon self?
b) Does one need to give credit to another or take debt from another?
what if you actually knew what words mean?
a) KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists"...words are suggested over perceivable sound.
b) Sound implies action; word implies reaction.
Meaning implies having in mind; hence suggested information by another held within ones mind/memory by consent. Perceivable inspiration cannot be held onto; since it moves...
Nature doesn't offer meaning; signs; tokens; idols; REPRESENTATIONS...it's each one within that re-sponds to what is presented by ac-tion.
What implies energy, because what else could sustain being? Energy moves, and motion implicates (if/then) towards matter within, hence IF matter; THEN within motion. That's how energy comes to be internally/inherently discernible.