If one evil actor has complete monopoly control over your social media, then you are more likely to be controlled and molded by that single monopolist bad actor.
When there are multiple propagandists, there is competition for your mind and attention.
It's easier to see through a narrative if there is a counter narrative.
Ron Paul once said that we shouldn't worry about the things the republicans and democrats disagree on. The most evil stuff they do is the stuff they agree on, such as groveling to and serving Israel and protecting the Federal Reserve and war mongering and debt peddling and open borders and gay marriage and the many other things they all agree on.
The stuff they disagree on rarely ever gets pushed and is just false promises to the base or throwing the base some bones to keep them from getting off the couch. Kind of like how they used to let Republicans and Democrats take turns fucking you over 8 years at a time. Now they want more volatility, more chaos, more confusion so they switch every 4 years.
Also, it seems China is already very socially isolated from the USA. Rarely do headlines or news events or world news about what is going on in China hit USA headlines unless it is propaganda.
As a gentile, I don't trust Jews having monopoly control over social media appz. Let me get some Chinese and Russian propaganda too.
By your logic, since two of the wheels on your car are flat, might as well make two more flat as well and drive around that way.
Not sure that analogy applies.
If one evil actor has complete monopoly control over your social media, then you are more likely to be controlled and molded by that single monopolist bad actor.
When there are multiple propagandists, there is competition for your mind and attention.
It's easier to see through a narrative if there is a counter narrative.
Ron Paul once said that we shouldn't worry about the things the republicans and democrats disagree on. The most evil stuff they do is the stuff they agree on, such as groveling to and serving Israel and protecting the Federal Reserve and war mongering and debt peddling and open borders and gay marriage and the many other things they all agree on.
The stuff they disagree on rarely ever gets pushed and is just false promises to the base or throwing the base some bones to keep them from getting off the couch. Kind of like how they used to let Republicans and Democrats take turns fucking you over 8 years at a time. Now they want more volatility, more chaos, more confusion so they switch every 4 years.
Also, it seems China is already very socially isolated from the USA. Rarely do headlines or news events or world news about what is going on in China hit USA headlines unless it is propaganda.
FTN 123: The Yellow Peril https://therightstuff.biz/2018/05/26/fash-the-nation-123-the-yellow-peril/
The logic applies, even if the analogy is not a perfect fit. Fucked up propaganda does not even out the more of it there is.
That user is saying that there will be a competing platform that will allow a place for counterpropaganda that would otherwise get censored.