posted ago by turtlebam ago by turtlebam +10 / -2

It's well understood that not ALL open source is controlled. But IMO the bigger open source projects that get funding are all or mostly Jewish.

For example, meet Richard Stallman, a highly influential figure in the open source project of Linux. Who was he? Nothing but an ordinary Jewish pedophile who defended Jeffery Epstein and promoted pedophelia.

Richard Stallman was also the mentor of Bradley M. Kuhn who funded another "Open Source" game engine called Godot through a Brooklyn Jewish fund called Software Freedom Conservancy.

I mention how game engine Godot is also Jewish because from my earlier research on Robert Maxwell, I found out that they were trying to control the gaming industry early on with his son Kevin by trying to buy up games like Tetris.

In short, anything that is big is also controlled by them even if it's offered as a "free, freedom loving alternative".