The wealth inequality in the world has made plain the only War is between the haves and the have-nots. Every other distinction or label is an attempt to divide the have-nots against the haves. You and I have more in common with the people we stand in line with at the grocery store or wait at a stoplight than someone who was born into generational wealth. They've used materialistic wants and political beliefs to keep us divided so we don't flip the tables as Jesus did. I don't care about your political leanings or ethnicity, that's what the wardens want you to be distracted with while they rob the world.
Comments (19)
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Yeah, see, I picked you out instantaneously when you created your new sockpuppet. And I was right. Again.
Sockpuppet for who you fucking retard? You do understand what the term sockpuppet means? I'm an anarchist jackass and I realize filling your life with trinkets will not bring you the happiness feeding the hungry will. Whiny doomer never contributes unwilling to engage in discussion because you know your opinion is worthless
You don't belong here doomer, this is a forum for discussing conspiracies not whining and perpetuating a victim mentality.
That's the most concise explanation of your thinking process I've ever heard you utter. If you had an iota of the balls it takes to set yourself on fire you'd shuffle off this mortal coil because you clearly can't bare using words with more than four characters. Must be a discounted sock puppet negative nancy bot.
The only real warfare is of a spiritual nature and Jesus is the only winner there.
I didn't ask your fucking opinion, why not create a post of your own instead of making your opinion known in this one? I will admit spiritual warfare is the base that all others are built upon, good verses evil dressed in modernity as wealth inequality
Listen dude, you brought up Jesus so here I am clarifying, which I'm able to do because freedom, yeah.
So you care enough about your opinion to comment on someone else's topic but not create a post of your own? That's not freedom that's entitlement parading as free speech
Your post was a comment/opinion on war and I have an opinion/comment from my view as well and I would have kept it to myself but you mentioned Jesus so I didn't keep quiet. I'm not sure why you're mad.
Someone I hardly know but saw everyday died and I just heard about it, I don't mean to take it out in you internet stranger.
That is heavy man. I wish the best for you and their family in dealing with this loss.
He was 36, his name was David. Thank you for your comments.
Holy fuck you are totally retarded everywhere
Troglodyte says u/#What
Thanks for proving me right.
This is something that is only ever said by a child of the upper classes.
Do you know why the have-nots never overthrow the haves? Cause they have nothing with which to do so.
The smart move for the have-nots is to either have more or make themselves useful to the haves.
One last thing, Jesus didn't flip the tables against the "haves"...
False dichotomy