Why would Israel (Netanyahu) send briefcases of money to Hamas? I thought Hamas was Israel's enemy....but yet the Israeli government sends Hamas briefcases of cash? Why is this? Is Hamas working for Israel?
Why is it that Japan has a perfectly working train system, but in Ireland a full Irish is the same as a full English? I thought that they were supposed to be different countries...but then where are my car keys? Have you ever seen someone do a backflip?
Going to have to check the other browneye to confirm.
Bah, obvious doctored video. The whole eye socket changes size, and the artifacts that appear around it.
Hello. Agent Smith.
LightBringerFag says the line every time he gets called out for his bullshit.
Didn't see it.
I did but it's just her pupils lining up with the stage lighting so it looks like reptilian eyes for a moment.
It's an artefact from studio lightning. Everyone knows you need sunglasses to really see them.
i'M shAKinG!!!!
Always hilarious when tards get triggered
Why would Israel (Netanyahu) send briefcases of money to Hamas? I thought Hamas was Israel's enemy....but yet the Israeli government sends Hamas briefcases of cash? Why is this? Is Hamas working for Israel?
Did the Israeli government plan the October 7th?
Why is it that Japan has a perfectly working train system, but in Ireland a full Irish is the same as a full English? I thought that they were supposed to be different countries...but then where are my car keys? Have you ever seen someone do a backflip?
I saw what you catfish !
Are you asking me? How should I know?
What a weird thing to ask.
What does that have to do with the topic?
Are you drunk?
40 beheaded babies.