posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +6 / -3

Had a bookmark on my bookmarks bar.. search bitchute for:

black goo harald vella kautz

I'm there.. yeah yeah. Whatever. What's this guy saying. Did a search for him on bibliotecapleyades. He's in the results.

Searching the net.. like what's this guy's deal and schooling. Can't really find much info. He's got a couple books on amazon from years ago. Let me get some of what was said over at bibliotecapleyades. This was from 2015.. so before the covid injections.

"Transhumanism, AI, Chemtrails, Smart Dust and Morgellons"

I don't know.. whatever.. so I go back to the bitchute and check one of the other vids.

45 minute podcast.


Searching For The Evidence

Referring to this list of semi-secretive technologies and to the substances he found in the environment, he says, “… if you root these substances back to what they are designed for, you come to Transhumanistic technologies, which is the attempt to get an interface between artificial intelligence and biological. If you ask the Transhumanists themselves, they would always say they would like to give humans better access to AI — and if you look into the technologies, it’s always to the opposite way round, it’s always giving the AI access to the human, in the sense of getting the human system controlled from the outside.”

7 months, 3 weeks ago

ok let's get some of that transcript where he explains how they hack the body. At least this is after the covid injections so he explains what was going on there. lol.

You gotta have patience and you want to go do other distractions but I was like.. the stuff he's getting into is interesting. Just keep it going. And he explains like how they hack the body.

I saved the vid and ran it through transcribe to get all the text. Let me get just that section.

If we got rid of smartphones, would that decrease that 70% number? No, it did. The entire 5G rollout basically gives additional possibilities to more go to individual mind control. Till now, basically targeting single individuals was possible, but the technology was not advanced enough to really follow a single human with a beam. It was like they were focusing on the head end of your bed and on the chair position of your working place. And every 3, 4, 5, 6 days, they readjusted if something has changed, they measured, do you really sleep there? Do you really sit there? And if you changed your position, it was readjusted. So that was like, like, not that advanced in individual mind control. The 5G, you've got a beam that follows the human. And then you have 24, 7 adjustable focal control. And you can run the bio robot without any break or breakdown of the signals, which is important, you know, when you see that the human biology is degenerating, you need to have a strong signal that stays in place to maintain the thing function. So does the introduction of mRNA into the human system, does that increase or enhance their ability to conduct this type of surveillance state? If I look at the architecture of the bio robot setup, we do have, like, in the early stages, very early stages, just social engineering, you know, like they teach us to read and write, and then we have that funny voice in the head that actually happens where the eye nerve is inserting pictures. It's not supposed to be sound by nature, it's supposed to be picture, but when we read the same part of the brain that is supposed to see suddenly listens. So we create a secondary voice that functions like little MS-DOS windows to enter commands, you know, like this is how we react on advertisement, this is how we react to laws that we submit ourselves under a written language, as if it would be something real, and we identify with that voice that is easily controllable from outside. So there's a long period of, like, 20,000 years of preparation of the human spirit to be capable to adopt to the technological bit that is put as a crown onto the system. And then the technological bit started with two different interfaces. One is hacking the biofotone realm, like introducing quantum dots in hollow fibers into the body, and the quantum dot has that quality to convert microwave into single photon emissions of visible light. And this is where we can introduce any signal into the DNA from the quantum dot liquids, and the other way around, the DNA is emitting single photons that are collected by the quantum dots in the fibers, and then emitted as microwave to be read out by the antenna systems surrounding us. So this is one interface, basically putting a read-write unit to our spiritual awareness. And the other one is regarding the nervous system, creating neural knots that are also microwave sensitive, where we can put in a microwave signal to trigger the creation of current from a piezo crystal in the center of the neural knot that then enters the nervous system so that we can read out thought signals or nervous signals and play in nervous systems. So those two levels, those two layers, as in the sum, they are the basis for human consciousness. We control both levels. We control the physicality of the human. This is kind of the second step, social engineering first, then the two interfaces for the two different types of consciousness, nerve-based and light-based. And then the only thing that is still independent, uncontrollable, wild, and free is the human spirit. And this is where the mRNA comes in, producing the spike protein, the spike protein is metallating the gene BRCA1, and the gene BRCA1 is exactly the one, or it's the one that does two things. It controls the self-repair of the gene, of the genome, and it controls the attachment of the spirit to the body. So when you meditate that gene all over in your body, you chuck out the immortal soul.

I'll do all the transcript in comments. Not bad.. 35k characters for a 45min show.