Telepathic parrot video (9 minutes):
Paper about the parrot:
Dogs that are telepathic BBC segment:
Only when I was on MDMA
I had a random cat show up when I was tripping 10 years ago. It stuck around and hung out for the trip and left after the trip ended. It showed up when I was having a bad trip and then saved me and brought me back to reality. I trust that there is something there.
If it guided you back, that's a guardian angel. You're lucky. Usually, people tripping deal with demons. Those on meth see them all the time.
They know!
Watch the video about the parrot. It's only 9 minutes. Hard to deny that, unless you conclude it's fake, but the researcher is a famous well published mainstream fellow who also does para-psych stuff on the side.
I'm sure most animals are. It's amazing how many birds, squirrels and other creatures get within close proximity of me when I'm in my garden. I talk to them and they appear to be at ease
You have a lucky gift.
My wife has a similar talent to put animals at ease around her. Lived in a black neighborhood once, with a mistreated pitbull next door. She would go to the fence and coo in a certain way, and the animal was kind to her rather than mean like to everybody else. The black man who lived there fucking hated it.
One of my three children, a male, inherited this gift, and is majoring in biology. The other two, not so much.
It did bother her in an odd way though, that the dog we raised from being a puppy, a Belgian shepherd, took to me as the leader of the family pack more than to her.
JG, it's because you rub your body with fruits and nuts and pork loin. They think you're a head waiter.