posted ago by Redrum647 ago by Redrum647 +20 / -0

It is Russian Roulette and we are all on lists already.

I don't know for sure what was in the swabs designated for inconvenient people. I am not even sure the intended C.O.D. as it does not affect the respiratory system. Perhaps it was designed to target the heart or shut down the immune system.

I have wondered if they took some foreign frog/animal toxin and modified it. Or even combined heavy metals or nuclear materials. Doctors have been clueless as it is just so strange.

Within a few hours of exposure, individuals are bed bound with fever, exhaustion, pain and inflamed lymphatic system. The toxin/immune response also hits the pancreas. I think the covid /vaccine damage protocol COULD help, but the effect on the brain/executive functioning is too severe for the target to plan and coordinate getting the supplements! Its that severe! This is the main reason you would need a trusted partner.

It is likely they also contaminated different batches to do large scale tests on various substances. It could be that the general public experiments have long term consequences but no obvious immediate side effects.

Based on Dr Malone's recent posts, one hypothesis is that the swabs contain some type of gram negative endotoxin or exotoxin.

This toxin DOES affect the brain. I am not sure if it would naturally, if it has been modified that way in a lab, or if it is due to the swab going into you nasal cavity (right near the brain).

In some people, the Toxin can interfer with executive functioning, especially brain regions responsible for planning/taking action/problem solving. It appears to block parts of the brain from communicating.

Executive function is a product of this collaborative process; however, it takes place predominantly in the frontal lobe and prefrontal cortex, which are the sections of the brain responsible for planning, decision making, and other cognitive behaviors and reactions.

Other symptoms include an immediate systems inflammatory response as the entire immune system is fully activated. Systematic inflammation of the lymphatic system and all lymph nodes.

Possible effects to the female menstruation cycle. Cycle stops for a while, but this could be the natural response to stress and severe illness that can occur.

Fever, exhaustion, chronic pain, joint pain, (due to the inflammation?), nausea, GI issues, increased white blood cell count.

Note: the only system NOT effected is the respirator system - no lung issues. Different than covid. People with this test NEGATIVE for covid (on the swab that infected them).

Some people also have effects to the heart rate, either very high or every low, or both at different times. This could indicate an attack on the heart tissue or it could be due to the severe dehydration/electrolyte imbalance.

Make sure you have emergency kits that can address these issues if you or family come into contact with this toxin.

  • the usual covid protocols could help... maybe antibiotics for gram negative bacteria. Don't rely on doctors guving you the correct antibiotics or treatment. I am not sure if it woudl be safe to be admitted to the hospital.

Supplements that can help with the symptoms would also be useful. For example, turmeric for the joint pain and inflammation.

If you can, learn how to safely, with correct sanitation, insert an IV for fluids (and possibly NAD, vitamins, gluthione, etc). A family member would have to help the ill person has they will probably be too weak and feverish to do it properly (unless very experienced).

The immune system protects the body from possibly harmful substances by recognizing and responding to antigens. Antigens are substances (usually proteins) on the surface of cells, viruses, fungi, or bacteria. Nonliving substances such as toxins, chemicals, drugs, and foreign particles (such as a splinter) can also be antigens. The immune system recognizes and destroys, or tries to destroy, substances that contain antigens.

Toxins are substances created by plants and animals that are poisonous (toxic) to humans. Toxins may also include some medicines that are helpful in small doses, but poisonous in large amounts.

Most toxins that cause problems in humans come from germs such as bacteria. For example, the symptoms of cholera are caused by a toxin made by cholera bacteria.

Other toxins that may cause problems include metals, such as lead, and certain chemicals in the environment.

To be honest, it could be anything, especially that has been lab enhanced.

The main oddity is the extreme rapid onset (Spike proteins?) Immune response. No effects to the respiratory system. And the large reaction in the lymphatic system. Aside from the toxin itself, the dehydration is extreme and very dangerous. The combined effect on the brain is also note worthy.