Anime porn? Child porn? Pokemon? Rock Music? ...suggested information.
Gnosis? ...aka to know aka knowledge aka perceivable inspiration.
Suggested can only be shaped within perceivable...consenting to former tempts one to ignore latter. Others suggest to tempt one to ignore perceivable, which in return permits others to exploit ones ignorance, since it's willingly.
Suggested can only be shaped within perceivable...consenting to former tempts one to ignore latter. Others suggest to tempt one to ignore perceivable, which in return permits others to exploit ones ignorance, since it's willingly.
Well played.
a) look at the distinction made between "anime-porn" and "child-porn"...child implies growing towards adult, hence being "animated".
b) pornography aka PORNE (prostitute; to purchase) GRAPHEIN (to write)...ones consent to purchase suggested writings by another.