Like explaining something (numbers and letters) within everything (whole) while using nothing (not) to do so? One chose to take suggested "not"; hence missing everything aka miss-take.
If one takes (suggested); then one misses (perceivable) will of choice.
minus one
Energy minus one equals? Can there be less energy inside whole energy?
they divide by choosing one side of the definition.
aka reasoning (wanting vs not wanting suggested).
DE-fining the spirit AS word will be shown to have mistakes inherent in language itself.
Hence me utilizing breathing; adaptation; reaction to enacting; free will of choice in-between balance etc.
It's using THE spirit that tempts others to hold onto suggested the-ism, and then spiritualism and so on.
Remembering the source makes them return to 'wholesomeness'.
Remembering tempts one to ignore being (life) in-between departure (inception) and return (death), hence apartheid resisting wholeness to sustain self.
If/then (implication) implies motion as foundation. This and That represent definite adjectives, hence tempting one to define (affix) this or that as such (alike).
The more one chooses to define alike; the less one comprehends about being different (life) within sameness (inception towards death).
If that, this not this. if not this, then not that. If not that, then this.
All this represents misuse of implication (if/then) after consenting to suggested nihilism (not), hence putting self into a conflict of reason...
If half right, then half wrong.
...right versus wrong reasoning over suggested, while ignoring perceivable.
In short: instead of "if nothing; then nothing else" try "if everything; then each thing within"...
What does end of sentence (point) represent within a circle?
Every statement can be seen as conflict or as confluence.
Conflict implies reasoning over affixed definitions upheld; confluence (flowing together) happens while one holds onto affixed form. Being implies IN (being within) FLUENCE (as form within flow).
Aka suggested pluralism (choices) over perceivable singularity (free will of choice). If one views surrounding as choices; then one willingly ignores ones centered choice.
Like explaining something (numbers and letters) within everything (whole) while using nothing (not) to do so? One chose to take suggested "not"; hence missing everything aka miss-take.
If one takes (suggested); then one misses (perceivable) will of choice.
Energy minus one equals? Can there be less energy inside whole energy?
aka reasoning (wanting vs not wanting suggested).
Hence me utilizing breathing; adaptation; reaction to enacting; free will of choice in-between balance etc.
It's using THE spirit that tempts others to hold onto suggested the-ism, and then spiritualism and so on.
Remembering tempts one to ignore being (life) in-between departure (inception) and return (death), hence apartheid resisting wholeness to sustain self.
If this then that. If that, this not this. if not this, then not that. If not that, then this.
If half right, then half wrong.
Ad nauseam.
If/then (implication) implies motion as foundation. This and That represent definite adjectives, hence tempting one to define (affix) this or that as such (alike).
The more one chooses to define alike; the less one comprehends about being different (life) within sameness (inception towards death).
All this represents misuse of implication (if/then) after consenting to suggested nihilism (not), hence putting self into a conflict of reason...
...right versus wrong reasoning over suggested, while ignoring perceivable.
In short: instead of "if nothing; then nothing else" try "if everything; then each thing within"...
All this represents misuse of implication (if/then) after consenting to suggested nihilism (not), hence putting self into a conflict of reason...
Thank you for finally coming full circle to MY point about what you do.
Every statement can be seen as conflict or as confluence.
What does end of sentence (point) represent within a circle?
Conflict implies reasoning over affixed definitions upheld; confluence (flowing together) happens while one holds onto affixed form. Being implies IN (being within) FLUENCE (as form within flow).
Others suggest CON; noun (negation) and ones consent permits others CON; adjective (swindling).
Aka suggested pluralism (choices) over perceivable singularity (free will of choice). If one views surrounding as choices; then one willingly ignores ones centered choice.