Why Is There A Push For Blacks in Virtually Everywhere in Media?
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It's called the great replacement.
From Disney to Netflix Documentaries of Historic PPL to White washing established characters to completely taking over established franchises like Rocky to posters posted literally everywhere pushing Blackism nearly everywhere the question is why?
Your first two make sense. But number 3 is hate and doesn‘t help,the cause. That is what a plant would say to help bring down the board.
what cause is it Im missing here? why take white established characters and not create something totally new and original?
Great idea. I was just saying to the other poster that using that language is often a technique of infiltration followed by shitting stuff down. The FED‘s often use it. And further it normalized hate.
Well, when the forum gets shut down for hate speech you can look in the mirror.
Hate begets hate. You must be one of the newer govt agents around here. FBI I‘m guessing?
You might want to work on a better survival plan.
They dont care who replaces you as long as is isnt you
It's like they all are working from the same playbook, or maybe you would call it a set of protocols.
white/black pillar
white to build it up
black to take it down
signaling for pole shift
He brings up a good question, yes.
But his argument is 'WHY NOT MORE MEXICAN OR INDIANS duhhr durrr'
This youtuber is also a retarded grifter. He acts like a nigger and talks like one on camera. This is no surprise, since his youtube page description states simply 'rap stuff and more', with a bunch of older videos talking about rappers and other nigger bullshit.
Great replacement in America? Or are they just stoking racial tensions by using blacks to annoy (and sometimes attack) you? I think the latter.
They've already succeeded in turning many blacks against whites, and the inverse is also happening to some extent. Divide and conquer, and creating the white racist boogieman they so want to fight against as domestic terrorists.
So who shipped who over to USA as slaves? If whites were so good and noble couldn't they have just done all their own labor? And isn't it whites own fault if they shipped over (by force) a group that hates them?
And no it wasn't just Jews, don't even try that.
Who controlled the Americas? That would be white people.
Why did you feel attacked? Wow, you wignats are sensitive. Just as bad as the lefty blacks. No love for the truth, only a selective love of facts when it benefits you.
There are a lot of moral and down to earth black people. Probably more so than in the wasps
More original content that features black people is fine, but everyone with an ounce of awareness knows the only reason entertainment staff make stuff like a black little mermaid is to piss off some white people, that is THE reason they do it, it's a form of trolling and nothing more, that's why black people had a field day with it on twitter but weren't actually into the movie itself, now versus black panther movie and all its original lore and world building with cool black characters, see how black people actually got into it and the spirit of it was totally different