Damn, you’re actually making a strong case for evolution after all. You’re just another disciple of the fake science religion with sub-human intellect.
Fuck off, monkey, or give your top 3 reasons on why species-jumping evolution, a make-believe fairy tale for midwits, is real.
Damn, you’re actually making a strong case for evolution after all. You’re just another disciple of the fake science religion with sub-human intellect.
Fuck off, monkey, or give your top 3 reasons on why species-jumping evolution, a make-believe fairy tale for midwits, is real.
Define Evolution so we have a basis for discussion.
Do you have any proof that supports species-jumping evolution and counters my statements? If so, give your top 3 reasons.
Let's find a common language first so we all agree on what we are talking about, ok?
What do you mean by "species"?
What is your definition of Evolution?
Where’d you go, sport?
Henceforth, you shall be known as, “Eisenporn, The Pussy Who Proselytizes Paleontology and EvOlUtIoN”.
Post vax card, science denier.
Last chance, ok? List your top 3 reasons and then we can go into definitions.