They are not fallen angels (i.e. if you take bible literally, you need to grow a brain first)
ETs never left, they were here first, not us
Nephilim are not equal to Anunnaki. Anunnaki were the Diğir (ET mortal high-tech godS who created the progenitors of modern humans). Whereas the Nephilim were the half-Anunnakin-half-genetically-bred-human offspring giants (i.e. children born to ET "gods" aka Anunnaki and genetically engineered human females raped by such Anunnaki ETs).
They are not fallen angels (i.e. if you take bible literally, you need to grow a brain first)
ETs never left, they were here first, not us
Nephilim are not equal to Anunnaki. Anunnaki were the Diğir (ET mortal high-tech godS who created the progenitors of modern humans). Whereas the Nephilim were the half-Anunnakin-half-genetically-bred-human offspring giants (i.e. children born to ET "gods" aka Anunnaki and genetically engineered human females raped by such Anunnaki ETs).
Rise (inception) and fall (death) of an angle (growth within loss aka living within the process of dying)...
But what about ANGEL (Latin angelus; Gr. a messenger) aka MESSAGE (Latin mitto; to send)...angle send from rise towards fall.