posted ago by TurnToGodNow ago by TurnToGodNow +14 / -5

Though it is a popular (and biased) notion to say that JP Morgan, the evil banker, pulled the plug on Tesla and stifled his work, the fact of the matter is that Tesla defrauded JP Morgan.

You can' t take money from people on false pretenses and not deliver what you promised to deliver. And that is essentially what Tesla did. He told Morgan he was working on wireless communication, but instead was working on a wireless power transmission moonshot which never panned out and Morgan never agreed to.

I don't care who you are, this would be infuriating. If you pay a guy to build you a new deck but instead he tells you "I thought you could use a new guesthouse along with the deck so I built that and I'm billing you" would you not be shitting bricks?

I'm not saying JP Morgan is the "good guy" here, but I am saying Tesla was more self sabotaged than someone with a conspiracy against him. Morgan legally and rightfully decided not to fund the new and more expensive ideas which Tesla started working on with his money.