Remember that when the khokhols cry.
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What floodgates? They don't allow the ships through. Previously. So the gates that power the hydro electricity? So they didn't release the overflow. It was spilling, previously. But they weren't operating this entire time? Dumb dumb dumb. As suspected.
The upper dam is maintained. Tell me what the weather was? It releases the excess automatically, like in rainfall. Because this is what the system is designed to do, pass the overflow down the river, collecting it in the reservoir. It doesn't need a conspiracy. But there you are rubbing your hands together, hatching a plot.
What are you on about. I know how the dam works without the ships and the beaver genocide.
The counter offensive you've linked. Except. The invasion started as a big feint in the North. That huge convey was diversionary. Combined into a lot of inexperience. Problematical they didn't know what they were completely facing. Where they secured footing was along a land corridor. It probably still sought terms. Who knows that complete agenda but there's far more tactics at play and overall agenda on a bigger stage than the proxy. However the media on both sides has been seeped in propaganda in warfare that has shifting dynamics over a colossal country. What was Bakhmut as example, who used it and why for what. It had another purpose outside of the misinformation. The biggest problem this conflict has had is a real lack of dominating air superiority. It has sought territory over the complete degradation of an enemy, because it has been fighting its own and it is defending itself from far more risk.
The territory won back then wasn't quite the complete forward positions. No. It gained smaller towns and faster retreated off bigger feints. I suspect Kherson was problematic. Because Odessa hosted far more. It didn't capture Karkiv either. The main fighting did what then. It was gaining the land corridor via the Southern Oblasts East of the Dnipro, while engaging against the fortified line in Donetsk and Luhansk. Now however it has entrenched as it grinds away at an enemy's resolve.
The geography of gain has also followed which landmarks? More than the river. It's obvious.
But the dam I am not convinced. You spew provocation. Except it's there anyway. It hasn't changed much. The funding and escalation is there already.
It changed access. Objectively who does this favour? It could be Ukraine if Russia still seeks the rest of the coast. However not in the immediate future.
Floodgates that was damaged by Ukraine/West. Floodgates that adjust level of water in reservoir by spilling it over to provide necessary pressure on turbines.
Locks for ships is separate system in that dam. AFAIK, they are intact.
There is ALWAYS overflow over the floodgates. Because Dnepr flow is too huge to utilise it in whole in turbines and because you need to adjust water level to provide necessary pressure on turbines that depends on the water level in reservoir.
Do you have at least middle-school education? Or when in US students solve that problems about pool and tubes?
You still didn't bother to find out anything about Soviet HPPs, weather, precipitation at the moment and so on.
You do not want to find necessary information for purpose? You are afraid that there is possibility that somebody could eventually physically press you about lying and you want to have an excuse that you knew nothing about HPP dams so it was just ignorance and not purposeful lies?
Come on, you are looking worse and wosre with every next miserable reply.
You've gone crazy. It's autism. I answered that question. They don't let ships through. Tell me what ships went up that part of the river? The river had freaking islands and beavers. Ships. You sack of rocks. Barges perhaps. Not ocean liners. Or nuclear submarines firing the torpedoes. They could stealth all the way into Kiev. Through the locks. It wasn't deep enough. Dumbass.
They powered the hydro turbines venting the overflow. The overflow collecting downstream into the reservoir. The reservoir not being maintained. Because wahaaa Ukraine did it.
The rest of your gerbil is repeating what I stated.
I don't need to look at your ships. Seriously the weather was bad all winter and much of spring and the reservoir was quite full and at capacity. Because what, Ukraine did it? Objectively why. So the nuclear submarines wouldn't lock into Kiev?
What? Again, What the fuck are you talking about?
Ships do not pass through floodgates of the dam. Ships passes the dam through a separate lock gates in separate channel.
What the fuck are you talking about? Why didn't you just see some documentary for dummies about how HPP works? I think there should be some on YT.
Who told you that rubbish about "weather was bad"? Who exactly? Where did you get that nonsense? It was absolutely standard spring in Russia, nothing extreme or unusual at all. It was not even very snowy winter this year.
Ukraine/West created that disaster. All your stupid and sad attemtps to shift responsibility away only makes that more solid.
The barges, had a lock, separate to the dam. They were barges and boat tours. The lock is still accessible. The dam however has run aground.
I really don't know what you're complaining about?
It's Soviet river dam. The power wasn't working.
The counter offensive was delayed. Weather was bad. It rained a lot. It rains even more in the Ukraine. Along the Dnipro.
Who blew up the road and railroad first?
We're repeating ourselves with vague talking points. You're literally going around in circles. I am taking the mick. Because of the probability. You won't convince me. I really didn't care when making an assessment. It remains unchanged objectively.
Who gains more at this point? Who is to blame? At this point it's simply ironic. It was expected and an occurrence. It hasn't changed much more. Except defensive positions. They gain more. Unless the attacker gains something else?
What? Has Crimea's water become affected. By the next dam perhaps. It places the nuclear reactor at risk. See, a better argument against Ukraine. Not nonsense. But this is not significant currently and won't be anytime soon. By that time a pumping station and additional channels are operational.