We know the Ukraine bombed the damn because Russia has been trying as hard as possible not to Provoke nato into hot war and keep it as a proxy war on natos part. That’s why all the ‘escalations’ by Russia turned out to be done by the Ukraine, for example the bombing of Poland, or when Britain boomed the Nord stream pipeline.
No doubt the Ukraine is also the one that bombed its own damn because that is typical of what we have seen of the filthy khokhols throughout the war.
This is ultimate doomer material.
If that is the case, then the whole world is already in full on communism.
I suspect you are not exactly correct, while there are forces in play here, it is not a single force. They are competing forces.
It is a spin, I will give it that, nothing new.
I am not in full agreement with the assessments in the video, for example.
Imagine living as a lone caveman with no items, no storage. You wake each day and work hard to obtain items to fill your needs.
Compare that to living today in the 'slave model' presented.
In my example, I have managed to live out my life with my choices as they were made available to me, I collected and worked to obtain what I have. There is an exchange that occurs, my time for what is returned to me and looking back I am pretty happy with the balance created there.
The other choice would have been to move to the bush and hide from humanity with next to nothing in my life.
So as these systems are devised and constructed they are evolving and changing, each human has the opportunity to insert ideas and change.
There has been massive improvements to the way of life for most humans since the roman era for example.
When it comes to criminals operating many of the systems today, they do not have the ability to rule over humans in the example of a monarchy or otherwise in most places on the planet.
Criminals run everything in my country, but I am still able to live a life that makes me happy.
Certainly would not. Feel free to provide his spin in as few words as makes sense.
Right, Yes I am aware of all of that input, but honestly it does not really wash.
So we have a system of compliance, as one would seek to gain control or change the system a degree of conformity is required. The more demanding the system the more conformity.
In order to change the system as such in order to get a good seat many sacrifices are required.
This can be used to explain away all of the existing concerns.
To continue, many of the machinations that get established gain momentum on their own and you would not step in front of them so easily, you would instead bog them down and take them out in the future.
This is more inline with the patterns we see being invoked.
In other words, I am of the opinion the game is still open. If it was as suggested I feel that the pace would be much quicker.
I will admit I am not removing the suggestion, just holding it in stasis to collect more recent evidence.
Ahh, so the leftist is revealed.
Reddit is calling you simp, surely you have all the answers and know all, you are a fucking useless fuckwit with generic stupid comments.
useless rhetoric based in nonsense. Beat it loser.
Countries with nukes won't go to war with each other, they'll have economic pissing matches and play rock em sock em robots in developing countries for the spoils, but they will not directly engage each other in warfare, Ukraine finding out the fun way that no matter what Russia does or what the world thinks Russia did, nobody is going to try to kick Russia's ass
Это не притекло само, это набрали специально до уровня прежде не достигавшегося. А перед этим сбрасывали резко, пробовали подтопить задвижками, не помогло, не та пропускная способность, воду сбрасывали, результат не вышел, что тут блять не видно? Накопление воды реальное по всем гидроузлам видно. Никто сверху не сбрасывал, осадки в любом сервисе есть... это проба сброса, которого получалось единовременно мало.... а потом накопили максимум до разрушения 🤷♀️ а уж взорвали, или лопнула, это в принципе не важно... потому, что видно, что пробовали сброс задвижками, а потом накопили исторический максимум, при отсутствии сбросов выше по течению.... все🤷♀️ ... что тут непонятного? Вот пробный сброс (невиданный доселе), потом критическое историческое накопление (невиданное доселе), микро-пауза, и полный сброс. Хули не понятно??? 🤷♀️ хули тут не ясно, блять? До этого у красногоровки тоже самое месяц не прошел, но там рожу кирпичом не делали.👌😉✌️
That's funny... the original people who built the dam did it so well that the modern Ukrainians had trouble breaking it. Typical, signs of the times.
Exactly, if they want to blame anyone else for doing it, too many preparations were made on their end to deny the plan.
(If the translation of your words came through)
Как делаются платные фейки: норвежцы по данным сми, увидев толчок у румын за 620 км, зафиксированный румынами из всей европы, и пиздят что это взрыв. Время не то, толчок не взрыв, а сейсмотолчок от прорыва воды, толчок заявили не румыны, а норвежцы по чужой сейсмограмме ..... и сообщениям сми о времени. Говно готово, извольте откушать. Обрушение произошло по факту в 2.45. Опа. Жопа, говно развалилось. А в 2.57 Птичкин ставит материал о последствиях прорыва плотины. А вот это факт. И запись видео без внешнего взрыва, тоже факт. Если он и был, то только внутри. О чем говорят и свидетели, и щапись. И рекордное накопление воды без сброса тоже факт. И прорыв при начале форсирования шумерами тоже факт. 🤷♀️ А толчок от обрушения плотины и воды в 2.54 это толчок от последствий, а не от причины. Причина была ранее. В 2.45. Но на внешнем видео ее нет. А три раза за деньги писать взрыв, взрыв, взрыв, если фактически он не зарегистрирован никем и ничем - это заведомо-ложное сообщение.👌👁✌️https://t.me/uhovlad33/59726