I know. But it's just false marketing. People hear "progressive" then they believe that is the WAY FORWARD (obama's slogan) and that is the evolutionary party that improves and evolves. Conservative implies that they are retrogrades trying to cling on to an inferior less evolved primitive past. This is marketing scheme that works on many. Just the use of words
When people want to be evil they twist things either way. People will turn bad words into good ones like "dope" or "sick" or even use "bad" as a compliment.
I think progessivism at least is accurate because their religion is progress. If something is changing somehow it is therefore good. They are addicted to that feeling of progress, even when it is doing something awful.
When people want to be evil they twist things either way. People will turn bad words into good ones like "dope" or "sick" or even use "bad" as a compliment.
I agree with that part and that is a great revelation to share.
I do not believe their religion is "progress." I have made many posts tying this back to Kabbalism (cabbalism) and Frankism and Freemasonry and other sects carrying on NWO objectives for hundreds of years. The same old demon fucks trying to conquer the world isn't a new idea. Therefore I disagree it is "progress" or futuristic or anything suggesting new and improved.
In my opinion and practice, calling them "progressive" is like calling them by their PREFERRED PRONOUNS. I'm not going to do it. I am not participating in a lie.
What are they progressive about?
Them seem like retrograde commies to me. Clinging on to marxism that is 175 years old. A failed doctrine.
No one says Marxism is progress, but anyone calling themselves progressive is a marxist.
I know. But it's just false marketing. People hear "progressive" then they believe that is the WAY FORWARD (obama's slogan) and that is the evolutionary party that improves and evolves. Conservative implies that they are retrogrades trying to cling on to an inferior less evolved primitive past. This is marketing scheme that works on many. Just the use of words
When people want to be evil they twist things either way. People will turn bad words into good ones like "dope" or "sick" or even use "bad" as a compliment.
I think progessivism at least is accurate because their religion is progress. If something is changing somehow it is therefore good. They are addicted to that feeling of progress, even when it is doing something awful.
I agree with that part and that is a great revelation to share.
I do not believe their religion is "progress." I have made many posts tying this back to Kabbalism (cabbalism) and Frankism and Freemasonry and other sects carrying on NWO objectives for hundreds of years. The same old demon fucks trying to conquer the world isn't a new idea. Therefore I disagree it is "progress" or futuristic or anything suggesting new and improved.
In my opinion and practice, calling them "progressive" is like calling them by their PREFERRED PRONOUNS. I'm not going to do it. I am not participating in a lie.
For one, all of the LMNOPQTIA+ degeneracy and inclusion is a Marxist construct pushed under the guise of being progressive.
We finally agree on something today.
I think you'll slowly come around and agree with some of the other points I've made. I won't push the arguments.
We agree on more than you think, friend.
I disagree with myself from five years ago and even more with myself from 10 years ago.
There's a lot I do not know. I like to believe that lots of us here are just on an odyssey for truth. Reality is some are just JIDF or feds, LOL.