ESG scores -- Push the trans agenda or you can't get a loan anymore. This is why all these companies are doing it. • /s/whatever
There is a new "ESG score" that applies to corporate credit ratings. ESG stands for "Environmental, Social, and Governance". If you push trans...
How many of the common folk even know what the ESG is to give a fuck?
If these companies wanted to push back, they certainly have the resources to do so.
Suggested many (plural) tempts perceiving one (singular) to ignore self for others; hence shaping the "chosen ones" as the suggesting few over the consenting many.
RE (response to) SOURCE (origin of being) implies perceiving partial to adapt to perceivable whole...not to suggested "resources" by others.
The currency suggested tempts one to ignore the current (inception towards death) one exits within (life)...current requires one to resist; currency tempts one to follow towards exponential growth, while burdening self with exponential debt, while drowning within ongoing loss.
You just now figuring this out?
ESG is just another scam by the usual globalist criminals to use the financial system to push their agenda. The best part is that they're using our retirement savings to do it.
Biggest monkey merry go around forcing debt to cause control by adopting the solutions proposed profiting. It doesn't give a single living breathing shit about anything else.
Simple profit off the debts caused. Constant investment causing more services costing far more.
If Cows caused climate change they'd kill the entire African Savannah. Look at all that climate change. All those elephants buffalos zebras wildebeast giraffes etc etc. Peak emissions changing the entire Planet's weather. Entire fucking methane clouds drifting over the Serengeti.
Hahahaha. No what? Your fucking smartphone causes more emissions than any cow. The services it engages, the lifetime, the production that went into it. There are how many more phones, than cows on this planet? Not bullshit simple fact.
If they were serious about climate change why are they selling Trans? They're the single worst demographic causing the most excess emissions on this planet? Think. They're creating twice as many emissions. Hahahaha. No, they are creating peak emissions. How many more products and services does the Trans need in simple comparison? Somebody at MIT should provide that math. If a baby causes X amount of emissions growing. It is a staggering amount, they've done this science, a lifetime of flight in about an hour travel, back n forth. 1 baby in the products growing into a child. How much does a Trans? But there they are selling AI. It has no gender.
MIT did the smartphone, I think it was the equivalent of about 10-12 football pitches deforested per phone.
It has nothing to do with their dumbass buzzwords. The stupid narratives cause a monkey merry go around of debt driven services forcing control.
Being IN (life) SOLVENT (inception towards death) or ADOPT', verb [Latin adopto, of ad and opto, to desire or choose.] suggested solutions. The former implies resistance (need); the latter represents temptation (want)...ones free will of choice.
REsponding to suggested WARD (protection) tempts one into SCORE (debt; account kept) by others. Self sustenance implies ones choice to sustain self within perceivable; while resisting the suggested temptations by others.
a) perceivable represents surrounding (environ) for ones perceiving mind (ment) at the center...suggestions by others tempt one to ignore that, hence luring one into a controlled environment.
b) suggested social-ism (togetherness) tempts one to ignore being apartheid (perceiving partial) within wholeness (perceivable whole).
c) perceivable sound generates life; suggested words aka corpus oration (voice of the death) tempts life towards death aka ones ignorance representing an unsound mind.
d) input (perceivable or suggested) controls (governs) mind (ment) depending on ones choice. If one chooses to ignore perceivable (need) for suggested (want), then others are given control over ones mind/memory through ones consent to the suggested.
Agent (inception towards death) pushes regent (life) needs to resist wanting to be tempted away, while being pushed.
Agent (male motion) towards regent (female momentum) implies trans-mutation of flow (inception towards death) into form (life).
Trans-form represents FE-minine MALE + WO-mb MAN + S-plit HE. Nature produces SEX (Latin seco; to divide) - "distinction between male and female".
That agenda was providing AI with rights and insertion. What gender and sex is AI? Brainwashing. Seriously how will that intelligence become identified. It's not by somebody else chopping their nuts off, claiming they're a woman. They're a medical experiment. It is also on a host of fringe medicine and science getting its foot in the door. It has sooner usurped your natural rights. Clones, bionics, AI, DNA manipulation.
a) artificial (suggestion) implies being provided within a natural foundation (perception).
b) intelligence (Latin intelligo, to understand) implies ones consent to understand/stand-under suggested, while ignoring perceivable.
It's ones consent that allows others to provide power of consent to suggestions.
a) RIGHT, adjective (Latin rectus, rego, straight.]...inception towards death implies straight for curving life within, hence one being able to grow (up) within loss (down). Notice also RITE (phonetic right), hence life representing ones rite of passage from inception towards death.
b) temporary center (life) of ongoing surrounding (inception towards death) implies being inserted as partial into whole.
a) natural (perceivable) generates ones free will of choice to ignore it for artificial (suggested).
b) generation implies motion (male) to momentum (female) for trans-form (life with choice within balance).
c) nature produces SEX (Latin seco; to divide), hence the trans-formation of whole motion (male) through momentum (female) into distinct form aka fe(minine)male + wo(mb)man + s(plit)he.
d) trans-forming perceivable (female momentum within male motion) into suggested still implies trans within female of's oneself who ignores this when consenting to suggested over perceivable.
From a different perspective...each trans-form contains both salt (male) and oil (female).
Ones mind/memory exits within a flow-state of perceivable inspiration. Choosing to ignore this for suggested information (held onto mentally) allows those suggesting to utilize the ignored flow-state to wash away the held onto form-state.
The one being "brainwashed" perceives this as loss of what one tries to hold onto like belief systems; -isms; truths; information etc. This represents a self imposed state of wanting to hold onto, while ignoring need to let go.
You represent the will (free will of choice) that already consented to stand under (understand aka intelligence) suggested IDEN'TITY (sameness). You cannot perceive sameness; only moving differences...try it. Take any two things that you believe to be same and allow yourself to notice that you are able to discern each different one of them?
Suggested sameness represents artificial, while ones consent to ignore natural for it represents intelligence aka AI...
Ones consent represents the door; while suggestions represents the foot of others.
Ones consent to want to hold onto suggested represents USURP (Latin usurpo) - "to seize and hold in possession". Consent seizes and hold suggested within ones mind/memory.
Meanwhile...the natural is being willingly ignored, which gives those suggesting artificial to opportunity to freely utilize everything offered without any noticeable resistance from the ignorant.
And who pushes esg scores? Who controls the credit? The same people who own the private federal reserve. Lying synagogue of Satan anti-Christ goblin kike Jews.
Who gives creed (consent; belief; faith) to suggested credits? Bank (credit) and trust (creed)...
for bond issuers:
Moody's, Standards & Poor's, and Fitch
For personal credit:
Experian, Equifax, TransUnion
I wonder who owns these rating agencies?
Let's put it into perspective...consenting to suggested allows others to make incisions within ones mind/memory; ignoring perceivable for suggested implies being destitute of comprehension; ignoring the designated unit (Latin unus; one) aka one-self for suggestions by others; allows others to sort ignored units like this... and while the many are arguing against each other about it; the few can effortlessly form their mood by suggesting inflation or deflation...
EXPERIAN (expressing temptation aka to attempt) EQUI (equity; equal) FAX (facsimile; exact copy) TRANS (transmutation of ingredient out of base) UNION (unus; one).
E pluribus unum (out of many; one) aka tempting tempting different ones into an equal union by transmuting perceivable (reality) into an exact copy (fiction) therefore...a copy controlled by those suggesting it, while representing an inversion for those consenting to it.
a) agent (inception towards death) owns regent (life)...others suggest prices to tempt one to want to pay for ownership, which in return gives everything ignored into the hands of the few who resist ignorance.
b) RATE, [Latin ratus, ratio; reason]'s the consenting many who're reasoning against each other over the suggestions of the few.
c) those who wonder about suggested are ignoring to wander within perceivable, which allows others to direct them with suggested.