It has become real obvious today what these platforms do and seek to provide. They're not a haven for debate or free speech.
They're simply about ramming advertising. It is increasing manipulated by the state driving unquestionable narratives for the purpose of rigging agenda.
If anybody knew a decade ago they'd become this. Who would've used them? Why today have they become embedded?
At what point a few decades ago would anybody have bought computers if they knew all their details would be bulk collected and spammed everywhere else, they're tracked and monitored? What has it solved.
Today it seems our generation has bent over and society has become much worse. Services. Crime. Look at it, its costs, freedoms. Having any kind of opinion, is trolled, and told you can't say that. There are more cannots than can. Meanwhile everything has gone offshore and become unrecognisable and inflated. As costs have skyrocketed.
Yet the entire time it is sold as a better solution? Yea right.
Ghettos. They're still shitholes. But they're shitholes the government and its corporate backers manipulate for the purpose of policing any dissent. You will not question the government media narratives. Ukraine is good for your health. You will vote for charlatans. Accepting your taxes. Seriously?
Twitter should stick to principles of free speech.
Musk is a sellout
"But but but censored Twitter is better than no Twitter but but but"
But all these democracies and their elections are fake and rigged and you help them cheat, Elon.
It has become real obvious today what these platforms do and seek to provide. They're not a haven for debate or free speech.
They're simply about ramming advertising. It is increasing manipulated by the state driving unquestionable narratives for the purpose of rigging agenda.
If anybody knew a decade ago they'd become this. Who would've used them? Why today have they become embedded?
At what point a few decades ago would anybody have bought computers if they knew all their details would be bulk collected and spammed everywhere else, they're tracked and monitored? What has it solved.
Today it seems our generation has bent over and society has become much worse. Services. Crime. Look at it, its costs, freedoms. Having any kind of opinion, is trolled, and told you can't say that. There are more cannots than can. Meanwhile everything has gone offshore and become unrecognisable and inflated. As costs have skyrocketed.
Yet the entire time it is sold as a better solution? Yea right.
Back in 2016 Matt Drudge called Twitter/Facebook/reddit/Instagram the ghettos of the internet.
Best description still.
Too bad Matt Drudge sold out too, or just cashed out.
Ghettos. They're still shitholes. But they're shitholes the government and its corporate backers manipulate for the purpose of policing any dissent. You will not question the government media narratives. Ukraine is good for your health. You will vote for charlatans. Accepting your taxes. Seriously?