TREND, verb - "to have a particular direction"...ones choice to love or hate the suggestions (bots) by others shapes the particular direction of the suggested.
Trends feed off consent...
They're often generated by idiots influencing
The reactions of those who "love" suggested are influenced by those who "hate" suggested...others generate suggestions to shape reactors and influencers.
Recent example...jewtube influencers and their reacting audiences.
Another word created
Shaping a suggestible word out of perceivable sound...does that represent creation (out of nothing) or transmutation (out of everything)?
Explaining something was already subjective
Notice that explaining to one another by suggestion implies...subjective to subjective, while ignoring objective (perceivable).
What if nature impresses (loss) so that those within nature can express (growth) or choose to ignore that by subjecting themselves to one another?
explained something factual
FACT, noun [Latin factum, facio] - "any thing done, or that comes to pass; an act; a deed; an effect produced"...
a) how can a subjective reaction produce a factual action?
b) what about...action (inception towards death) producing reaction (life), hence being subject (living) within object (process of dying)?
c) why are the few suggesting the consenting many rhetoric like "just do it" or "facism" or "factories" or "fact-check" etc.?
Why was this a topic?
TOP'IC, noun (Latin topicus, topica) - "any subject of discourse or argument"; because if everyone represents a subject; then everything suggested to one another represents a topic within an argument (conflict of reason).
TREND, verb - "to have a particular direction"...ones choice to love or hate the suggestions (bots) by others shapes the particular direction of the suggested.
Trends feed off consent...
The reactions of those who "love" suggested are influenced by those who "hate" suggested...others generate suggestions to shape reactors and influencers.
Recent example...jewtube influencers and their reacting audiences.
Shaping a suggestible word out of perceivable sound...does that represent creation (out of nothing) or transmutation (out of everything)?
Notice that explaining to one another by suggestion implies...subjective to subjective, while ignoring objective (perceivable).
What if nature impresses (loss) so that those within nature can express (growth) or choose to ignore that by subjecting themselves to one another?
FACT, noun [Latin factum, facio] - "any thing done, or that comes to pass; an act; a deed; an effect produced"...
a) how can a subjective reaction produce a factual action?
b) what about...action (inception towards death) producing reaction (life), hence being subject (living) within object (process of dying)?
c) why are the few suggesting the consenting many rhetoric like "just do it" or "facism" or "factories" or "fact-check" etc.?
TOP'IC, noun (Latin topicus, topica) - "any subject of discourse or argument"; because if everyone represents a subject; then everything suggested to one another represents a topic within an argument (conflict of reason).