A) to perceive never is a promise to no longer, at any time be without, which implies trust in an unseen future.
B) to stave ongoing loss, one must be filled and continually refreshed, and that comes from the source of that living water I mentioned.
C) liquid is dead when it is unmoving, stagnant, diseased.
a) what if one represents an obligation within perceivable ever (everything) before one can shape promises towards no (nothing)?
b) PROM'ISE, noun [Latin promissum, from promitto, pro and mitto, to send.] - "a declaration, written or verbal, made by one person to another, which binds the person who makes it"...what if perceivable sends towards perceiving before one can send promises to one another?
Also; being able to perceive implies one to represents the recipient of what's being send...not the sender of it. Suggestion represents repacking of perceivable.
promise...which implies trust in an unseen future.
a) who's suggesting bank & trust, while offering promissory notes as bills of exchange...and who's consenting to them?
b) implication (if/then) implies ongoing motion (velocity) for each temporary (resistance) within...hence; suggested trust tempting one to ignore perceivable obligation; unseen (suggested) tempting one to ignore seen (perceivable), and suggested past; present; future tempts one to ignore ongoing momentum of "now" aka the only perceivable moment of ones existence.
In short...to perceive implies "at this moment"...before or after represent suggested distractions, which only work if one consents to them, hence remembering what was or trusting what will be, while ignoring what is.
to stave ongoing loss
a) what if ongoing staves itself through momentum, which allows delayed temporary existence momentarily for those within?
b) what if living cannot stave the process of dying; but only grow itself as resistance (growth) within temptation (loss)?
c) what if the steadiness of ongoing represents the momentum (balance) for those within (choice)? What if choosing to ignore this represents the implied imbalance?
d) how could temporary growth generate without utilizing ongoing loss as the generator?
e) consider being delay (life) within dispatch (inception towards death)...
one must be filled
a) how could one (partial) within oneness (whole) be empty when everything (perceivable) is offered to everyone (perceiving) at any moment?
b) consider the difference between wanting to hold onto and needing to let go, when discerning self within a moving system? Does wanted appetite tempt one to ignore the need to adapt to perceivable hunger?
c) what comes first...the want to fill or the need to adapt to being emptied?
d) how could whole be empty if partials are within?
continually refreshed
a) what if continuation of whole (inception towards death) generates temporary discontinuation of partials (life)?
b) looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the...
FRESH (moving with celerity; speed) PRINCE (a sovereign) OF (out of) BELL (instrument; vessel for resonance/dissonance) AIR (Latin aer; Heb. to shine; to radiate outwards).
the source of that living water
a) what if one exists in-between (life) source (inception) and conclusion (death)?
b) what if loss (inception towards death) and growth (life) in balance with each other represent the internal/inherent sustenance of energy?
c) what if ones consent to suggested THE-ism tempts one to ignore balancing as center (free will of choice)?
liquid is dead when it is unmoving, stagnant, diseased
a) LIQ'UID, adjective (Latin liquidus, liquo) - "fluid; flowing"...implies motion.
b) disease (being at dis-ease) implies one to answer a demand, hence being a temporary reaction (sickness) to ongoing action (health).
c) suggested stagnation (cessation of motion) tempts one to ignore perceivable -TION (through action)...only within action can reaction pretend to stagnate.
d) "unmoving" implies finding level, hence balancing within the momentum of motion. It's ones lack of self discernment (as form within flow) which corrupts ones perspective when suggesting that things are "unmoving"...others exploit that by suggesting "affixed" information to tempt one to hold onto it, hence willingly ignoring motion.
The affixed word (suggested information) tempts one to ignore ongoing sound (perceivable inspiration).
Indeed but I have found living water and never grow thirsty.
a) how could one perceive "never"?
b) if thirst represents ongoing loss, then what represents temporary growth?
c) how could liquid be dead?
A) to perceive never is a promise to no longer, at any time be without, which implies trust in an unseen future.
B) to stave ongoing loss, one must be filled and continually refreshed, and that comes from the source of that living water I mentioned.
C) liquid is dead when it is unmoving, stagnant, diseased.
a) what if one represents an obligation within perceivable ever (everything) before one can shape promises towards no (nothing)?
b) PROM'ISE, noun [Latin promissum, from promitto, pro and mitto, to send.] - "a declaration, written or verbal, made by one person to another, which binds the person who makes it"...what if perceivable sends towards perceiving before one can send promises to one another?
Also; being able to perceive implies one to represents the recipient of what's being send...not the sender of it. Suggestion represents repacking of perceivable.
a) who's suggesting bank & trust, while offering promissory notes as bills of exchange...and who's consenting to them?
b) implication (if/then) implies ongoing motion (velocity) for each temporary (resistance) within...hence; suggested trust tempting one to ignore perceivable obligation; unseen (suggested) tempting one to ignore seen (perceivable), and suggested past; present; future tempts one to ignore ongoing momentum of "now" aka the only perceivable moment of ones existence.
In short...to perceive implies "at this moment"...before or after represent suggested distractions, which only work if one consents to them, hence remembering what was or trusting what will be, while ignoring what is.
a) what if ongoing staves itself through momentum, which allows delayed temporary existence momentarily for those within?
b) what if living cannot stave the process of dying; but only grow itself as resistance (growth) within temptation (loss)?
c) what if the steadiness of ongoing represents the momentum (balance) for those within (choice)? What if choosing to ignore this represents the implied imbalance?
d) how could temporary growth generate without utilizing ongoing loss as the generator?
e) consider being delay (life) within dispatch (inception towards death)...
a) how could one (partial) within oneness (whole) be empty when everything (perceivable) is offered to everyone (perceiving) at any moment?
b) consider the difference between wanting to hold onto and needing to let go, when discerning self within a moving system? Does wanted appetite tempt one to ignore the need to adapt to perceivable hunger?
c) what comes first...the want to fill or the need to adapt to being emptied?
d) how could whole be empty if partials are within?
a) what if continuation of whole (inception towards death) generates temporary discontinuation of partials (life)?
b) looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the... FRESH (moving with celerity; speed) PRINCE (a sovereign) OF (out of) BELL (instrument; vessel for resonance/dissonance) AIR (Latin aer; Heb. to shine; to radiate outwards).
a) what if one exists in-between (life) source (inception) and conclusion (death)?
b) what if loss (inception towards death) and growth (life) in balance with each other represent the internal/inherent sustenance of energy?
c) what if ones consent to suggested THE-ism tempts one to ignore balancing as center (free will of choice)?
a) LIQ'UID, adjective (Latin liquidus, liquo) - "fluid; flowing"...implies motion.
b) disease (being at dis-ease) implies one to answer a demand, hence being a temporary reaction (sickness) to ongoing action (health).
c) suggested stagnation (cessation of motion) tempts one to ignore perceivable -TION (through action)...only within action can reaction pretend to stagnate.
d) "unmoving" implies finding level, hence balancing within the momentum of motion. It's ones lack of self discernment (as form within flow) which corrupts ones perspective when suggesting that things are "unmoving"...others exploit that by suggesting "affixed" information to tempt one to hold onto it, hence willingly ignoring motion.
The affixed word (suggested information) tempts one to ignore ongoing sound (perceivable inspiration).