Using a false argument to brainwash children doesn't fly. 'Our values' implies universal consent, agreement. But values are personal choice and not to be forced onto people. Someone LBGTQ, who is sexually aberrant - in the minority, does not get to dictate values to children of the majority. Nor even to campaign in a classroom for their acceptance.
Masking pedophilia under the guise of 'love each other' deserves punishment. This Marxist 'teacher' needs a harsh lesson. I am not against harsh physical lessons to pervs handling children...
It's appropriate to reach children that it's inappropriate. I have no idea why these conversations aren't raising stranger danger alarms with the kids these days.
Using a false argument to brainwash children doesn't fly. 'Our values' implies universal consent, agreement. But values are personal choice and not to be forced onto people. Someone LBGTQ, who is sexually aberrant - in the minority, does not get to dictate values to children of the majority. Nor even to campaign in a classroom for their acceptance.
Masking pedophilia under the guise of 'love each other' deserves punishment. This Marxist 'teacher' needs a harsh lesson. I am not against harsh physical lessons to pervs handling children...
Talking to children about sex and preferences is inappropriate in any way. It never was acceptable. Straight or otherwise.
It's appropriate to reach children that it's inappropriate. I have no idea why these conversations aren't raising stranger danger alarms with the kids these days.
Thats kind of a parent thing. If schools want to play in the area of morals and social constructs they can start with classic philosophy.
Both of our comments had the downvote brigade hit them. How stank do their brains need to be to be upset about stranger danger, and philosophy?!
What low lifes.