Again I ask- what's your point? I merely stated the fact that both hops and cannabis are endocrine disruptors, which is factual. Having a receptor in the brain to interface with the endocrine disruptor doesn't make it less disruptive.
Are you being intentionally obtuse? If it happened to whoosh you, I'll repeat it. My boys doctor did not want them eating the same amount of tofu ( soy is heavy estrogen) that I ate. It was a big deal in our home because due to lactose intolerance we switched from soy milk.
I personally prefer coconut or almond milk. The child that was told he couldn't drink soy milk preferred that.
"However, several other studies have had results that contradict the CARDIA study findings. A Harvard Medical School study found lower fasting insulin levels and less insulin resistance among marijuana users⁴ and Michigan State University researchers analyzed eight different studies with findings that indicated a 30% reduction in diabetes risk among marijuana users.⁵"
You know what came up when looking into this subject?
Initial cannabinoid research suggested that THC may exert some of its effects by interacting directly with estradiol receptors. Some studies have suggested that both crude cannabis extract and THC inhibit the binding of estradiol to estradiol receptors in vivo (60–62). However, more recent studies have not been able to replicate these estradiol binding effects using either THC, other cannabinoids such as cannabinol, or THC metabolites (63, 64).
There is some evidence to suggest it can block testosterone though. Not much, Iffy.
The endocannabinoid system appears to regulate serum levels of gonadal hormones and gonadotrophins. Several earlier studies investigated whether use of marijuana in human males is associated with changes in levels of gonadal hormones or gonadotropins. Chronic marijuana use reduces levels of circulating testosterone, FSH, and LH levels (15, 16). Acute administration of marijuana also can reduce testosterone and LH levels (15, 17). However, others have reported no effects on circulating testosterone, LH, or FSH levels in response to either chronic marijuana or chronic THC hormones (18–22). The discrepancies among studies using human participants may be due to individual differences among the participants in the amounts consumed, and methodological differences between studies. The influence of cannabinoids on androgens appears to be more consistent in animal models.
Its got to be the plant though right, not the people raping the planet and its people for profit. Yeah, must be.
Nothing in that link describes how cannabinoid receptors prevent cannabis from disrupting the endocrine system. Your inability/refusal to defend your initial statement is tiring, and completely typical of the average stoner defending their habit.
Again I ask- what's your point? I merely stated the fact that both hops and cannabis are endocrine disruptors, which is factual. Having a receptor in the brain to interface with the endocrine disruptor doesn't make it less disruptive.
Are you being intentionally obtuse? If it happened to whoosh you, I'll repeat it. My boys doctor did not want them eating the same amount of tofu ( soy is heavy estrogen) that I ate. It was a big deal in our home because due to lactose intolerance we switched from soy milk.
I personally prefer coconut or almond milk. The child that was told he couldn't drink soy milk preferred that.
You've still completely ignored my first counterpoint to your claim regarding cannabinoid receptors making cannabis "not quite the same"
We're not talking about soy milk.
Boy, your all over the place. And even your end result that your trying to get to is iffy at best.
"However, several other studies have had results that contradict the CARDIA study findings. A Harvard Medical School study found lower fasting insulin levels and less insulin resistance among marijuana users⁴ and Michigan State University researchers analyzed eight different studies with findings that indicated a 30% reduction in diabetes risk among marijuana users.⁵"
You know what came up when looking into this subject?
Its got to be the plant thats been smoked for thousands of years, not the plastics or other pollutants, right, right?
Anyway, the main irk I have is you are assuming they bind to the same receptors. They dont.
There is some evidence to suggest it can block testosterone though. Not much, Iffy.
Its got to be the plant though right, not the people raping the planet and its people for profit. Yeah, must be.
Here's a quick link I found for you.,marijuana%20to%20ganja%20and%20bhang.
Nothing in that link describes how cannabinoid receptors prevent cannabis from disrupting the endocrine system. Your inability/refusal to defend your initial statement is tiring, and completely typical of the average stoner defending their habit.
Don't forget to downvote.