Familiar Patterns of Criminals
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When all the so-called free thinkers believe that "I am God's lamb and God is my sheperd" and still believes that they have any sort of free will, you know the social experiment has won.
a) temporary growth (life) can only exist within ongoing loss (inception towards death).
b) the world doesn't forget, it moves, and those within are tempted to hold onto; to memorize, while the world moves on. Resisting the temptation to hold onto; while learning to let go represents the struggle of those within motion, and it represents balancing.
c) consider if the motion from inception towards death represents sameness aka steady velocity aka natural order, while each life within represents difference aka unsteady resistance aka temporary chaos within ongoing natural order?
In other words...is it the world that moves faster or is it ones resistance which diminishes through lack of resisting?
This cannot be temporary unless you can fashion the existence into a measurable unit with valid comparison, in this case life continues and will continue to continue until it does not, so life goes on.
While the mixture of association to experiences can be made with any metaphor, this one is missed.
In this use my interpretation is that the living units of the life system in action are constantly generating their own based on the inputs available.
You forgot to program your bot to not respond to other known bots on the forum.
Here’s yet more evidence that you’re part of a farm.
Fucking shills.
Your inability to provide a single comment of value is a clear indication you are a leftist jew, beat it loser your account is nothing but a shitty example of how your criminal intent is so weak and useless there is no doubt you are a moron.
Yet more evidence right here in this reply.
Thanks for the confirmation and data point.
Seriously, you people are fucking stupid lol.
More useless shit from the obvious criminal.
Beat it loser. Why do you even bother posting with this shitty account?
Have a look at your garbage history full of vitriol and useless retort, there is no question you are a criminal of the worst kind.
a) the measurable unit represents itself aka UNIT (Latin unitas; unity; unus) - "one". Nature designates itself from whole (oneness) into each partial (ones).
b) suggested MEASURE, noun (Latin metior) - "the whole dimension of a thing" tempts one to ignore self aka being being partial (perceiving) within whole (perceivable), hence having the ability of measure (whole) ment (mind/memory of partial within whole).
c) to measure implies ones free will of choice to count other ones within whole, and other ones (chosen ones) tempt one to count units (ones) as "two; three, four etc.), which when consented to, tempts one to ignore self discernment (being one, surrounded by other ones within oneness).
d) consider if suggestion (fiction) represents the "fashioning" of perceivable existence (reality) for those who consent? Could one fashion perceivable sound with suggested words? How about perceivable symmetry with suggested symbolism?
e) suggested "cannot" aka "can nothing" tempts one to combine being able (can) with nothingness (not). Nothing (suggested information) represents ones ignorance of everything (perceivable inspiration). Those who ignore perceivable are tempted to view the world through the lens of suggested, like for example suggested numbers over perceivable units.
f) nature doesn't require the units within to count anything, it offers the opportunity to each unit to discern self among other units and within whole, hence to discern the who; where; what and why of everyone within everything...unless ignored for the suggestions by one another.
g) what if VALID (whole) generates IN (being within) VALID (whole), hence partials (living) validated by whole (process of dying)?
h) what if others tempt you to consent (want or not want) to suggested information, which would then allow them to rebrand want vs not want into valid vs invalid or true vs false or agreement vs disagreement or belief vs disbelief, and what if these conflicts (versus) are suggested to you as "reasoning"?
i) suggested comparison tempts one to put together; which ignores that nature sets itself apart; hence from whole (perceivable) into each partial (perceiving). What each one perceives represents moving differences aka communicated inspiration from whole towards each partial to inspire adaptation.
a) life implies in-between inception towards death; hence temporary (living) within ongoing (process of dying). Hold your breath and wait until the ongoing will force the temporary to adapt or perish.
b) being in-between inception and death implies within the momentum (balance) of motion, hence representing the free will of choice required to balance in-between need (perceivable) and want (suggested).
c) FREE implies within dominance; WILL (aka want) implies within need; OF implies out of and CHOICE implies within balance.
"free" will of choice within the "dom"-inance of balance aka free-dom represents FREE (living) within DOM (process of dying).
Both ongoing (loss) and temporary (growth) are in balance with each other and represent the internal/inherent power of ENERGY (work). All represents one in energy. Each one represents center (choice) surrounded (balance) by whole (motion).
a) "until" ( towards) implies within motion, while "it" implies those within motion being able to discern "it".
b) the few suggested creationism (out of nothing) to tempt the many to ignore perceivable transmutation (out of everything). As form (life) within flow (inception towards death) transmutation implies flow to form (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death)...basic alchemy (transmutation of ingredient out of base).
Suggested "miss" (without) tempts perceiving one to ignore being "within" perceivable. Partial cannot "miss" whole, yet has the free will of choice to ignore it for whatever other partials are suggesting.
a) "input" implies put in through action, hence allowing those within to react to be enacted upon.
b) to be implies within, out of and in response to, hence reactor (living) within generator (process of dying), and choosing to react to being generated implies RE-GENERATE aka response to being generated by.
Sleight of hand: the few suggest actors under directors to tempt the many to ignore being reactors (life) within direction (inception towards death). One cannot act; only react. One cannot generate; only re-generate.
c) everything (perceivable) is available to everyone (perceiving)...even when ignored for suggested nothing.