I don't attempt to "identify them by giving them a generic group label."
I identify their vehicles and methods.
One would have to discover the cabal's structure and history as the Gordian Knot that it is to attempt to unravel it. To pick off individuals without getting the nest is like treating symptoms of covid without addressing the cause.
The characters change throughout the years. Multi-generational membership.
Research has been done laying out the hierarchy of families.
Their names can changed according to marriage or whim.
Without the organizations going down, taking down individuals won't work.
However, these are still the outer rings, but they are connection to the inner rings.
For me, the useless Skull&Bones guys and Illuminati & Mason memberships are just entertaining diversions, outer-outer-outer layers at best, not really useful, more like distractions.
None of them are useless. Some are more useful than others. The least useful are minions, but as for society members, yes, the 'freemason' is the water buffalo level.
The nesting idea is correct and many belong to many groups, but there is a hierarchy.
Skull and Bones,are a Who's Who of big players ON the scene but yes the biggest players are behind the scenes. I talked to a guy who BOUGHT his '32'nd degree ring from the Scottish Rite. Members know very little about the esoteric they pan-tomime. This weak 'magic' is partly the blame for their current condition.
Gene pools and think tanks are running on empty.
The Oracle is now a computer and the matrix is the Logos as they now see it.
Sure all possible, but who are they?
Those are just group names.
You can't identify them by giving them a generic group label.
We need identification.
I don't attempt to "identify them by giving them a generic group label."
I identify their vehicles and methods.
One would have to discover the cabal's structure and history as the Gordian Knot that it is to attempt to unravel it. To pick off individuals without getting the nest is like treating symptoms of covid without addressing the cause.
The characters change throughout the years. Multi-generational membership.
Research has been done laying out the hierarchy of families.
Their names can changed according to marriage or whim.
Without the organizations going down, taking down individuals won't work.
Close enough.
However, they don't operate on hierarchy, but rings within rings (like an onion).
The outer layers are just for catching the heat, for diversion of attention and protection of the inner rings.
Very few penetrate the inner rings, and they can always grow more outer rings once the previous ones are taken down.
However, if we identify the core....
For UK / Crown, study "Friends in High places" byPaxman.
For US / inter-banking families, check the eight families interlinking with Fed, BIS, IMF and WB.
However, these are still the outer rings, but they are connection to the inner rings.
For me, the useless Skull&Bones guys and Illuminati & Mason memberships are just entertaining diversions, outer-outer-outer layers at best, not really useful, more like distractions.
None of them are useless. Some are more useful than others. The least useful are minions, but as for society members, yes, the 'freemason' is the water buffalo level.
The nesting idea is correct and many belong to many groups, but there is a hierarchy.
Skull and Bones,are a Who's Who of big players ON the scene but yes the biggest players are behind the scenes. I talked to a guy who BOUGHT his '32'nd degree ring from the Scottish Rite. Members know very little about the esoteric they pan-tomime. This weak 'magic' is partly the blame for their current condition. Gene pools and think tanks are running on empty.
The Oracle is now a computer and the matrix is the Logos as they now see it.
What could go wrong.