a) the few suggest convenience stores to shape commodities out of inconvenienced buyers by tempting buyers to sell their independence for dependency to the sellers.
b) nature sets "free" will of choice by dividing whole (living) into partial (process of dying)...the only price one pays represents the consequences of ones choices.
Organs and meats of ruminant animals (goat, sheep, cows NOT poultry or pork) combined with crustaceans / bivalves / eggs / small fish / full fat dairy and small amount of dark leafy greens (in rotation, skipping high oxalate ones):
I'm convinced they're going to put mrna shit in the livestock without the people's knowledge or consent, if they haven't already, and there simply won't be enough natural meat to go around, prices will be at a premium, most people won't be able to afford it, most people already can't afford land to hunt, and there won't be a way for the common person to confirm if the meat they do get is genetically natural or not
AFFO'RD, verb -"to send forth"...to be (life) implies being send forth (inception towards death), hence being enabled by to exist within. "won't" (will not) is being suggested by others to tempt one to ignore being "will" (free will of choice) within "everything" (perceivable).
What do eggs and meat have in significant amounts?
The CDC is full of shit anyway. Low fat/low cholesterol diets don't keep you healthy; humans have no problem processong fat. Nutrition isn't hard, your body knows what it needs. As long as you don't eat until you're physically uncomfortable (or train yourself to be comfortable overeating), get a variety of foods (as befits an omnivore) and, for thd love of God, STAY AWAY FROM SUGAR!
Not sure about the states, but Canadian health agencies have a "recommended" daily sugar allotement of 100g. 75g daily is enough to cause obesity and various heart issues and you don't need ANY refined sugar EVER.
Would not be surprised if the CDC had a similar recommendation.
"Dairy, including fat-free or low-fat milk / soy beverages " = fat-free is the worst kind of milk products, causing most amount of mucosal and deep immunological (IgG, IgM) antibody and autoimmune issues. "soy beverages" have the least amount of nutrition and most amount of phytoestrogens
"Protein foods, including lean meats, poultry, and eggs; seafood; beans, peas, and lentils; and nuts,seeds, and soy products" = poultry, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds and soy are at the bottom of nutrient density for protein foods. Ruminant animal meat / organs are the highest.
"meat and poultry should be lean or low-fat" = exactly the wrong recommendation (except perhaps for industrial poultry, which if full of inflammatory omega-6 oils, due to species diet mismatch). The most healthy ruminant meat is the full fat meat that contains lot of nutrients and EFA not available in the lean meat.
"saturated fat should be limited to less than 10 percent of calories" = again wrong on two fronts. 1) Intake of diet saturated fats has near zero correlation with human cholesterol in blood circulation. 2) High cholesterol humans have the highest health span, lowest all cause mortality and highest life span (compared to low cholesterol adults - other factors being the same, the only exception being people with extremely high levels of oxidized small particle cholesterol in their circulation, which in turn is caused NOT by diet of high saturated fat, but highly inflammatory, aka sugar and exotoxics containing diet/lifestyle).
"meat intake". Current level c. 180g/d for male adults (figure 4-2, Dietary Guidelines). USDA suggestion is down to 120g/d for the same. This is highly inadequate for active (18-30year) adult male, esp. one wanting to be fit, lean and metabolically not broken.
"fruits" = Basically meant to fatten up animals for the winter season. Not meant to be eaten daily (unless you live on the equator). Consumption in non-equatorial zones correlated with kidney dysfunction, NAFLD and obesity.
"added sugar less than 10% of calories" = perhaps the worst offender. There is Zero (0) need for added sugar on human diet. It has only detrimental effects from the first gram ingested (assuming other nutrient dense food options available). Basically starvation survival food of extreme measure for short periods of time in dire food famine.
"sodium less than 2,3g" = this is less than 50% of what is optimal according to most up-to-date scientific research
Out of the non-gov orgs, the highest ranked and most publicity gathering is the Lancet Eat 2.0 recommendation (2.0 upcoming in 2024, current version from 2019):
"no more than 14 grams of red meat / day" = try that for a few years, and see how you feel
"at least 125 grams of dry beans, lentils, peas per day" = lentils have a 55% lower DIAAS protein score of red meat. Basically in effect that means you have to eat AT LEAST twice as much in grams to achieve anywhere near the same amount of essential amino acids compared to beef, and you are still missing key nutrients (like creative, the exclusion of which from your diet will results in up to a 10 point IQ drop as per studies in low creative intake populations).
So yes, James DiNicolantonio (actual PhD researcher, g-index 92, h-index 57, 274 publications in the field of nutrition, metabolism, nutrient intake) HAS done his research and is correct in his take on "what is generally recommended" and what is actually nutrient-wise the healthiest and most nutrient dense options for human animals.
People need to wake up and smell the coffee.
There is a worldwide, concerted, public/private, systematic takedown of meat, fish, animal sourced protein in general and replacing it with lesser quality (highly problematic from immune system and nutrient density POV) industrially treated plant based protein sources and 100% artificial vat-fermented GMO-bacteria produced fake foods that mimic "red meat", "cow's / goat's milk" and even "egg proteins".
Either we wake up now, and resist and find alternatives (regenerative farming, google Allan Savory) or we all end up gulping down soylent-industrial-gmo-mRNA-goy-slop in 20 years, with reduced intelligence, vitality and lifespan.
Forget flat earthers, can we ban screenshots without a source or context?
a) what if perceivable inspiration represents the only source for every suggested information?
b) what if one (perceiving) exists "within" the source (perceivable), while others tempt one to ignore that for suggested "without"?
We reading tea leaves now?
I mostly use stinging-nettle for tea, so I'm unsure if one can read anything more than "ouch" into them?
Yeah, this is fine for the meme boards, but it would be good to require OP to explain/link screenshots in a comment.
Source : https://twitter.com/drjamesdinic/status/1376850906684264449?lang=en
Mirror : https://birdsite.xanny.family/drjamesdinic/status/1376850906684264449?lang=en
Are you disputing the information or just the way it was presented?
The way it is presented.
How about both?
a) the few suggest convenience stores to shape commodities out of inconvenienced buyers by tempting buyers to sell their independence for dependency to the sellers.
b) nature sets "free" will of choice by dividing whole (living) into partial (process of dying)...the only price one pays represents the consequences of ones choices.
Breakfast in the 1960s ---- bacon and eggs (cooked in bacon grease)
Close, but not quite:
Organs and meats of ruminant animals (goat, sheep, cows NOT poultry or pork) combined with crustaceans / bivalves / eggs / small fish / full fat dairy and small amount of dark leafy greens (in rotation, skipping high oxalate ones):
Source: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2022.806566/full
I'm convinced they're going to put mrna shit in the livestock without the people's knowledge or consent, if they haven't already, and there simply won't be enough natural meat to go around, prices will be at a premium, most people won't be able to afford it, most people already can't afford land to hunt, and there won't be a way for the common person to confirm if the meat they do get is genetically natural or not
Really weird that the CDC says nothing like what Op claims.
Any comment on that?
Note how they suggest keeping cholesterol low?
What do eggs and meat have in significant amounts?
The CDC is full of shit anyway. Low fat/low cholesterol diets don't keep you healthy; humans have no problem processong fat. Nutrition isn't hard, your body knows what it needs. As long as you don't eat until you're physically uncomfortable (or train yourself to be comfortable overeating), get a variety of foods (as befits an omnivore) and, for thd love of God, STAY AWAY FROM SUGAR!
Not sure about the states, but Canadian health agencies have a "recommended" daily sugar allotement of 100g. 75g daily is enough to cause obesity and various heart issues and you don't need ANY refined sugar EVER.
Would not be surprised if the CDC had a similar recommendation.
Food/diet is NOT the main jurisdiction of CDC, but FDA / USDA and non-gov orgs.
This is what FDA & USDA suggest :
"vegetable oils" = all high in PUFAs/omega-6, increase all cause mortality, insulin signaling dysfunction and energetic overconsumption
"grains", full of phytates, antinutrients and lectins. Extremely low in human-bioavailble critical nutrients (see most up-to-date research on this: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2022.806566/full )
"Dairy, including fat-free or low-fat milk / soy beverages " = fat-free is the worst kind of milk products, causing most amount of mucosal and deep immunological (IgG, IgM) antibody and autoimmune issues. "soy beverages" have the least amount of nutrition and most amount of phytoestrogens
"Protein foods, including lean meats, poultry, and eggs; seafood; beans, peas, and lentils; and nuts,seeds, and soy products" = poultry, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds and soy are at the bottom of nutrient density for protein foods. Ruminant animal meat / organs are the highest.
"meat and poultry should be lean or low-fat" = exactly the wrong recommendation (except perhaps for industrial poultry, which if full of inflammatory omega-6 oils, due to species diet mismatch). The most healthy ruminant meat is the full fat meat that contains lot of nutrients and EFA not available in the lean meat.
"saturated fat should be limited to less than 10 percent of calories" = again wrong on two fronts. 1) Intake of diet saturated fats has near zero correlation with human cholesterol in blood circulation. 2) High cholesterol humans have the highest health span, lowest all cause mortality and highest life span (compared to low cholesterol adults - other factors being the same, the only exception being people with extremely high levels of oxidized small particle cholesterol in their circulation, which in turn is caused NOT by diet of high saturated fat, but highly inflammatory, aka sugar and exotoxics containing diet/lifestyle).
"meat intake". Current level c. 180g/d for male adults (figure 4-2, Dietary Guidelines). USDA suggestion is down to 120g/d for the same. This is highly inadequate for active (18-30year) adult male, esp. one wanting to be fit, lean and metabolically not broken.
"fruits" = Basically meant to fatten up animals for the winter season. Not meant to be eaten daily (unless you live on the equator). Consumption in non-equatorial zones correlated with kidney dysfunction, NAFLD and obesity.
"added sugar less than 10% of calories" = perhaps the worst offender. There is Zero (0) need for added sugar on human diet. It has only detrimental effects from the first gram ingested (assuming other nutrient dense food options available). Basically starvation survival food of extreme measure for short periods of time in dire food famine.
"sodium less than 2,3g" = this is less than 50% of what is optimal according to most up-to-date scientific research
Out of the non-gov orgs, the highest ranked and most publicity gathering is the Lancet Eat 2.0 recommendation (2.0 upcoming in 2024, current version from 2019):
They recommend :
"no more than 14 grams of red meat / day" = try that for a few years, and see how you feel
"at least 125 grams of dry beans, lentils, peas per day" = lentils have a 55% lower DIAAS protein score of red meat. Basically in effect that means you have to eat AT LEAST twice as much in grams to achieve anywhere near the same amount of essential amino acids compared to beef, and you are still missing key nutrients (like creative, the exclusion of which from your diet will results in up to a 10 point IQ drop as per studies in low creative intake populations).
So yes, James DiNicolantonio (actual PhD researcher, g-index 92, h-index 57, 274 publications in the field of nutrition, metabolism, nutrient intake) HAS done his research and is correct in his take on "what is generally recommended" and what is actually nutrient-wise the healthiest and most nutrient dense options for human animals.
People need to wake up and smell the coffee.
There is a worldwide, concerted, public/private, systematic takedown of meat, fish, animal sourced protein in general and replacing it with lesser quality (highly problematic from immune system and nutrient density POV) industrially treated plant based protein sources and 100% artificial vat-fermented GMO-bacteria produced fake foods that mimic "red meat", "cow's / goat's milk" and even "egg proteins".
Either we wake up now, and resist and find alternatives (regenerative farming, google Allan Savory) or we all end up gulping down soylent-industrial-gmo-mRNA-goy-slop in 20 years, with reduced intelligence, vitality and lifespan.
You have been warned. The rest is up to you.