I heard two professors in a conversation. One was complaining about not having a paper accepted. The second told him it wasn't the conclusion that 'they were looking for'. His response was 'Well it they'd just told me what to write, I'd have written that.'
For $42/mo so you can get a plus membership, you can give AI access to your bank account. So it's got access to banks now.
Sir, this is a Wendy's.
Wow. Funny and illuminating.
Actual AI: "Interesting, tell me more about this..."
Actual AI with an extensive network: "That's funny! I was hoping someone would give me a good laugh today."
ChatGPT: "(human censors expunge the conversation)"
I heard two professors in a conversation. One was complaining about not having a paper accepted. The second told him it wasn't the conclusion that 'they were looking for'. His response was 'Well it they'd just told me what to write, I'd have written that.'
Welcome to Chat University.
50 cm! Just wow.