I'm reading a book - "One Small Step: The Great Moon Hoax" by Gerhard Wisnewski, a German (the book is a translation) and I'm surprised to see he starts out not with the USA but with the early Soviet space race achievements. What's specifically surprising is that he dismantles the Yuri Gargarin space flight and shows that it's unlikely to be true:
One thing is definite: there are many aspects of cosmonaut Gagarin’s flight into orbit that do not fit together. An aviator of medium skills with very little flying and parachuting experience rises in a very short span of time to become the leading cosmonaut of the Soviet Union. His closest contacts give only average accounts of him, and no one can remember any outstanding achievements. But this aviator happens to represent all the important ideological values of the Soviet Union. From standing he leaps straight into a complete orbit of the earth before landing again at the very place where once before he had come down by parachute. He can’t describe what he saw during his flight in any great detail. And when he does mention a fact it doesn’t accord with the flight path of his craft. There is no credible film or photographic record of his entry into the capsule or of the flight. A large part of the material is either obviously faked or else produced after the event. It will be a long time before the world finds out who this Gagarin fellow really was or what he actually achieved.
(he provides a detailed rationale for all this in the book)
Some other points to note (my summation):
Yuri likely raped a nurse in a sanatorium he was "holidaying" in, after his alleged space flight. He was caught in the act and lept from a first floor window in shame, landing on his face and breaking the skull bone just under his eyebrow. He was mentally never the same after, a known phenomenon with such types of injuries. A planned career in politics was discarded, and he died in mysterious and suspicious circumstances in a plane crash, in which he was test pilot.
It's likely another man was the "real" Yuri, the real first man in space. Vladimir Ilyushin, a man who was "unquestionably the Soviet Union’s most famous and experienced test pilot. As a test pilot he set dozens of speed and altitude records. And also the world altitude record of nearly 30 kilometers, which he set in 1959 using a Suchoj 9 military interceptor jet. In late 1960 Ilyushin was awarded a hero of the Soviet Union, their highest military honor, for his altitude records."
it's likely Ilyushin's space flight took place just before Gargarin's was supposed to have taken place, but that it was almost a disaster with a crash landing at sea that almost killed him. He was discovered by the Chinese and he was incapacitated in a Chinese hospital for months. Not the sort of successful "first man in space" story USSR wanted to promote.
USSR likely sent far more cosmonauts into LEO/space than we're told and likely many of them died in the process. Two Italian men picked up communications in Russian from cosmonauts (including a female) in the months/year prior when no missions are on record, in various states of distress. Infamously one communication was in morse-code that said "SOS To the whole of planet Earth" and they could determine the message was gradually getting further and further away and weaker until it disappeared - seemingly indicating a cosmonaut was sent out to space for a one way trip.
these things and more were fairly well known at the time. Readers Digest ran a story on the Italians interception of communications. There was quite a bit of doubt surrounding the Russian space program in western minds. But when JFK announced about putting a man on the moon, the official line was the USA believed USSR and was going to top them. And that put an end to these suspicions and they were pretty much buried in the sands of time.
It puts the "Russian Question" debunkers bizarrely always seem to fall back on in a new perspective - ie. "why would the Russians not call out America about the moon landings being fake - they must have known." The USSR also had much to hide about it's own space race activities apparently.
More and more about SPACE is revealing itself as fake.
Which brings me closer and closer to flat earthism? LOL I hate to admit it
Take a look at a picture of Yuri then take a look at a picture of Neal Armstrong. Do you notice anything?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
As a twist and an elaboration to the story, we can begin with a comparison of Yuri and Neil: Neil Armstrong was Yuri Gagarin --- NASA HOAX (YT video included at link)
They are obviously extraordinarily similar, but I would agree with several of the redditors that they are not the same person. I would suggest that they are twins or clones. It turns out that twins crop up all the time in Intelligence ops, from Eva Braun to Tiger Woods' wife.
The twist I would propose is that after his first flight, as he gained more international attention, it was decided that his appearance was a little too obviosly similar to Neil's. The solution was an "accident" that gave him the prominent scar through his eyebrow. Eyebrows are a big factor in recognizing faces.
This is all to indicate that the manipulation and deception go back farther and deeper than, "Hey, we went to space/the moon! Trust me, bro!"
The book was published the same year as that post and the exact same ground is covered in the post as in the first chapter of the book. Looks like Shack stole the entire contents of that post from the book and didn't give any attribution. Typical behavior from the fraud Simon Shack or whatever his real name is. People who researched him found that he's Norwegian I believe. He was in some pop band, and his father works for the UN.
edit I tell a lie, the book was actually published originally several years prior to Shacks post. In German in 2005, and in English in 2007. Also I presumed Shack made that post, but that may not be the case. I don't know what user names he used on his forum.
So simon shack is right about Yuri?
The writer of One Small Step is right about Yuri. Simon Shack doesn't have original thoughts. He presents other people's discoveries as his own. Anything he did "discover" re-9/11 has been fabricated from willful ignorance and misinterpretation of the facts. Almost no claim he made in any of his September Clues films stood up to scrutiny by other more serious 9/11 truth seekers. In some most cases it was clear he could have easily debunked himself by watching a few seconds more of various TV excerpts he presents in the film, which indicates he cut clips short before they disproved his theories, making him a liar and a fraud. He's poison for the 9/11 truth movement and conspiracizing in general. Also Ace Baker.
More probably nurse raped Gagarin. :) He was attractive and famous, he don't need to rape anybody, girls fall before him by dozens.
Gagarin was a decent hooligan, everybody know it and he had a lot of escapades, including sexual, long before space flight.
But rape? Look at videos with him, he was literally a dream prince for girls.
He was choosen into space program for his flight skills, and few times was on the edge of dismissing, but his skils was good enough to keep him.
Ilyushin vas never in space program, He was busy with test flights of new jets and hit world record once for highest altitude for jet plane. He quit his test pilot carreer in early 80s at his 50s and it was a first case when he had to eject from plane, i.e. could not subdue a machine. He was sudden on that and thought that it is a warning of fate, so he leave. He had some accident in China in early 60s, when he was invited as top expert for new china jets.
There was accidents with preflight training even with lethal outcomes before Gagarin flight, but that definitely was not Ilyushin.
More, but not far. Of course that accidents was not used by propaganda, but they always appeared as short TASS messages like "while conducting test flight crew members Ivan Ivanov, Peter Petrov lost their lives in accident. They are honored by Hero of USSR .... " and so on. Soviet propaganda was obsessed with every opportunity to announce even planned space flights, so it was hard to cover casualities if things went bad.
It was accidents with personnel that participated in testing of separate parts or modules for spaceships that was classified. F.e. testing of stratospheric parachute system using high-altitude balloon when Petr Dolgov (IIRC) died and somehow his death evetually was accounted by West propaganda as yet another dead cosmonaut, despite he never was in space program and never was launched.
Most of things you cite looks like they was taken from James Oberg article "Fantoms of Space" http://www.astronautix.com/p/phantomsofspace.html published in 1975. However Oberg, despite being highly anti-Soviet, was honest enough to state that all that rumors highly likely are a product of Western propaganda.
Because around 1970 there happened some global unknown yet event that completely changed the way humanity develop. This event resulted in multiple other events around 1970 that are now form the cores of multiple conspiracies from "ecology" to halting scientific progress. Including start of USSR oil trade with the West for USD, f.e.. Elites united against populations. Why wouldn't they cover each other, f.e.?
As for MoonHoax thing - I absolutely don't care if it was a hoax or not, or partially. It is obvious for me that humanity was perfectly techologically ready to start colonization of space. Much more important question for me - why that was prevented, and by whom? That is realy conspiracy.