As a christian, im tired of humanity's inability to move beyond Jerusalem, Israel and jews.
"as a christian" implies as one willingly consenting to suggested Christianity; hence bound to the will of others aka RELIGION (Latin religio) - "to bind anew". Submission to the suggestions of others represents the source of inability to express free will of choice, and the tool of the suggesting few to tire out the consenting many.
That's the whole point of being a Christian, you surrender yourself to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Out of my own free will, I accept Jesus. That's what faith is.
I submit to Him, not "the suggestion of others". Religion, is "binding anew" man and God. The relationship you have with Christ is profoundly personal, which is why there's (280?) versions of Christian denominations. No one binds themselves to a bunch of old patriarchs from 1000 years ago, which is what people who get all butthurt about "religion" think.
Your incessant "free will" semantic games are Satanic, actually. Satan was the first creation to reject God and pursue his own will. Neuro-linguistically reprogramming yourself to recognize your own agency won't save you.
Jesus said
"not my will, but Yours [God] be done" - Luke 22:42
As well as the original prayer 101 instructions He gave, known as The Lord's Prayer:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
as Earth as it is in Heaven
Matthew 6:9-10
But never fear, anon. What you have is a spiritual gift that is simply misdirected. How wonderful it would be for you to pour over The Word with such vigor. Not only that, but you don't have to know all the answers. Christ is sufficient and when you surrender to Him, he gives you exactly what it is you really need. Because He loves you and created you. The adversary only seeks to kill, steal and destroy and there is no life in that.
Direction (inception towards death) for reaction (life). Even ignorance cannot misdirect; only tempt to ignore reactions.
How wonderful it would be for you to pour over The Word with such vigor.
The foundation for ones strength (vigor) represents the perceivable (sound) underneath the suggested (word), which implies the choice to resist darkness (ignorance) for light (comprehension).
Instead of pouring over suggested information; I express the impressing flow of perceivable inspiration, by choosing to compress it momentarily.
All the temporary words can be defined; redefined and contradicted at will; but only the perceivable sound remains ongoing. May the many build their tower of BABEL (confusion; disorder) out of suggested matter how often it collapses upon itself, the foundation of perceivable sound remains.
you don't have to know all
Each one already knows (perceives) all (perceivable)'s the lack of comprehension that needs to be grown; while tempted to want to be ignored.
to kill, steal and destroy and there is no life in that.
Everything perceivable has to be alive to kill; steal from and destroy it...suggested "no" (nothing) tempts one to ignore perceivable everything.
a) to be (living) implies resisting origin (process of dying).
b) to be (partial) implies within (whole).
c) a point (end of a sentence) represents suggested progressivism (want for outcome)...which tempts one to ignore resisting (living) temptation (dying).
you surrender yourself to Jesus Christ
a) one shirks response-ability (choice) over self when consenting to Christianity as suggested in the name of (e nomine) others.
b) before access to "patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti" comes consent to those suggesting it "e nomine"; which represents choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law, which was industrialized by the suggesting few to gain control over the consenting many as RELIGION (Latin religo) - "to bind anew".
c) the natural bond between perceivable (enacting process of dying) and perceiving (reaction of the living) is being ignored when consenting to being "bound anew" under choice to choice contract law.
Choice can only exist at the center of balance (need/want); others tempt choice to ignore balance for imbalance (want vs not want). They then call this conflict "reasoning".
d) The perceivable implication of "patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti" represents PADRI (whole) FILII (partial) SPIRITUS (Latin spirit; to breath aka adaptation of partial to whole).
your lord (master)
a) nature sets "free" (will of choice) into the "dom"inance of balance aka free-dom; hence being temporary free (living) within ongoing dominance (process of dying).
b) the lord others are suggesting represents the free will of choice of those suggesting for those consenting to suggested, hence the suggesting few controlling the consenting many.
c) within a balance based system (the momentum of motion)...the responding choice has to be "free", otherwise it couldn't balance between need (perceivable inspiration) and want (suggested information).
From a different within the process of dying implies being temporary growth within ongoing loss aka resistance (need) within temptation (want) aka the balance for each ones free will of choice, situated at the center.
Loss inspires growth to struggle for sustenance (need); while simultaneously tempting growth with loss to ignore the struggle (want).
In other words....everyone perceiving represents "Jesus Christ"; everything perceivable represents "God" and adaptation of perceiving to perceivable represents the "Holy Spirit".
This adaptation as perceiving (partial) to perceivable (whole) implies as free will of choice; which one is being tempted to ignore when consenting to the suggestions of other choices. Furthermore; the "Jesus on the cross" allegory represents ones choice within perceivable (need/want) being tempted on the crossroads (want vs not want); hence nailed to the cross of reasoning over suggested. Ones consent to the suggestions of others represents the "contract with the devil at the crossroads" allegory, and the road represents the only way for all life...inception towards death.
Out of my own free will
a) free will of choice implies out of; within and therefore in response to perceivable balance...while being tempted to consent to the suggested choices of others.
b) nature offers everything (perceivable) to everyone (perceiving) at every moment (um)...that represents the "need" for those within to adapt to. Meanwhile; to "own" represents your free will of choice to want (suggested information) more than need (perceivable inspiration) offers.
c) temporary (living) within ongoing (process of dying) cannot "own" anything; only utilize everything for the temporary sustenance of self. The parasitic few suggest "ownership" to tempts the vessel (life) within flow (inception towards death) to ignore flow (perceivable) for another vessel (suggested)...that's the foundation for all the piracy allegories aka ones consent to the suggestions of others allows others to carper ones vessel on the high sea. That's what maritime admiralty law and the whole banking system is based about.
That's what faith is
a) partial cannot define what "is" without ignoring that whole "was" before one could suggest definitions.
b) DEF-INITION aka DEAF PHOENICIAN represents those who ignore perceivable (sound) for suggested (words)...hence those falling for spell-craft.
c) faithful vs faithless represents a rebranding of agreeing vs disagreeing with suggested information aka want vs not want suggested; while ignoring the need to adapt perceivable; while resisting the want to be tempted by suggested.
d) nature doesn't require faith (agreement) demands adaptation. To be within implies to be expression (reaction) within impressing (enacting).
I submit to Him, not "the suggestion of others"
a) others represent those who suggest you the language used to submit. Nature doesn't communicate words from perceivable to communicates sound. It requires choice to shape a suggestible word out of perceivable sound.
Perceivable to perceiving represents communication (reality); perceiving ignoring perceivable for suggested represents miscommunication (fiction). The few suggest fiction to shape the reality of the consenting many aka crafting their spelling for miscommunication.
b) living within the process of dying represents female (expressing) within male (impressing); hence Fe (minine) male and Wo (mb) man implying coexistence.
Sleight of hand...ADAM (male flow) RIP (momentum) EVE (female form). Momentum (balance of motion) also represents the allegories womb; matrix; mother earth; gaia etc.)
c) SUBMIT', verb [Latin submitto; sub, under, and mitto, to send.] - "to let down; to cause to sink or lower". The few suggest the many to submit (Islam for example); which tempts them to ignore resisting (living) within solution (process of dying) before drowning (death).
One needs to grow resistance (living) within temptation (dying)...not consent to sink.
Aka PER SONOS (by sound); which implies being the reaction to enacting sound aka the resonance (need) or dissonance (want) to sound, hence adapting to perceivable (inspiration) representing resonance; while consenting to suggested (information) represents dissonance.
Religion, is "binding anew" man and God.
Sleight of hand..."there's nothing new under the sun". Everything (perceivable) already exists for everyone (perceiving) within. There can't be anything new for partials within whole.
The trick....suggested creationism (implies out of nothing) over perceivable transmutation (implies out of; within and in response to everything). As form (life) within flow (inception towards death)...transmutation of ingredient out of base alchemy implies flow to form (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death).
The so called new bound represents ones willing ignorance of the one and only bond between action and reaction; whole and partial; ongoing and temporary; potentiality and potential; balance and choice; male and female; electric and magnetic; cause and effect; perceivable and perceiving; process of dying and living etc.
"new, néwos, now" implies the perceivable ever changing moment (um) by those perceiving it from within...not something "newly" created.
which is why there's 280...
a) NUMBER - the designation of a unit" + UNIT (Latin unitas; unus) - "one".
b) all represents one in energy, hence "all for one and one for all" or "there can be only one". Being partial (living) within whole (process of dying) implies being ones within oneness.
c) other ones suggest one to count other ones as "two; three; four etc." There exist no perceivable state of "two" in nature..dualism is being suggested as the inversion of perceivable oneness (self differentiation of whole into partial).
What one is looking at represents differentiation (diversity) within the momentum of sameness (equality)...the few suggest the many the inversion thereof...equality (sameness) through diversity (differentiation).
No one binds themselves to a bunch of old patriarchs from 1000 years ago
a) your consent to suggested his-story represents the bond of your choice to those suggesting it.
b) choice can only exist within balance, while balance (momentum) can only exist within motion. The few suggest past; present and future to tempt each one of the many to ignore the only position of existence...within the ever changing moment.
Each one represents the accumulation of all that was; the expression for all that is and the potential to shape all that will be.
c) every choice of want (suggested) over need (perceivable) represents a bond among choices; because nature already offers everything needed; which implies that ones choice to want represents the temptation to get it from others within nature.
The few suggest the fiction of past; while the consent of the many represents the self inflicted trauma of upholding loss within memory. Consent to future represents the self inflicted trauma of hope/fear towards outcomes, and consent to present shapes the self inflicted trauma of stress out of mixing both loss and hope/fear.
It's the suggestions of the few which shape loss (his-story); hope (religion); fear (news) and stress (contractual obligations to others) within the minds of the consenting many.
Your incessant "free will" semantic games are Satanic, actually.
a) responding to suggested information by others implies by free will of choice. I adapt to perceivable inspiration as free will of choice, not in response to what others are suggesting.
b) what you call incessant represents frequency of adaptation as resistance (living) within velocity (process of dying). Doing that grows resistance, while ignoring it for reasoning over suggested information represents the loss of resistance. Hence most feeling spend when reasoning against others; while adaptation to inspiration refreshes the consciousness.
c) a suggested game implies outcome orientation (win); which implies ones consent to a conflict (winning vs losing). Consenting to such tempts one to ignore that being represents the highest value in existence (temporary evaluation within ongoing value).
d) SATAN (adverse; counteracting) implies being the reaction (living) within enacting (process of dying) aka the resistance within temptation. If one consents to suggested "satan" over perceivable "adverse; counteracting"; then one uses reason (want vs not want) over implication (if/then); hence viewing reality through a fictitious lens of conflict.
The living aren't in conflict with the conflict of dying; they represent the opportunity to grow within loss aka the sinus curvature within a base-line, hence having both choices of growing and losing available momentarily.
Those who consent to the suggested brands "god" and "satan" willingly ignore perceivable oneness (balance) for suggested dualism (imbalance), hence always choosing sides; instead of growing self discernment of being the choice at the center of balance...not within a conflict.
Life isn't a game; you already won existence and now need to struggle to sustain your temporary price of being growth (living) within loss (process of dying).
pursue his own will
a) pursuit implies the choice to want to own, while ignoring the need to resist the temptation of want. The more one resist want; the more one grows within need.
b) will implies the choice within need/want balance.
to know all the answers
a) to know aka "towards knowledge" ignores that knowledge (perceivable inspiration) is enacting towards ones perceiving reaction.
b) the want for answers implies ones quest for wanted outcomes; which ignores being the problem (living) within solution (process of dying), hence struggling to sustain self.
Whatever answer one is looking for...nature already supplies the solution, and whatever question one seeks others to answer, only tempts one further into the ignorance of the available solution aka the solution which dissolves ones existence unless resisted.
Knowledge (perceivable inspiration) represents the opportunity to grow comprehension of perceivable, hence growing the perceiving partial within the perceivable whole by means of adaptation....whatever ones seeks from others only tempts one to stand under (understanding) them; while ignoring to grow comprehension of perceivable.
One doesn't need to seek for knowledge, for it's inherent within everything perceivable. One needs to resist the temptation to ignore perceivable for the suggestions by others, then comprehension becomes inherent within self.
Neuro-linguistically reprogramming yourself
a) Instead of trying to play the strings (neuro) of suggested languages (lingua); I represent INSTURO (to prepare) MENT (mind; memory) within perceivable sound.
b) instead of responding (re) to suggested writing (programma); I adapt to perceivable inspiration within the momentum of motion, hence...the suggested meaning of the words others write are temptation to me; while what they express within a moving system inspires me to adapt.
I don't want to write 15k words for others; I need to express the impressing inspiration for the sustenance of self.
your own agency
a) agent (process of dying) to regent (living). One cannot act; only react to enacting. Others can suggest "actors" under "directors" to tempt one to ignore perceivable "reaction" implied.
b) OWN, adjective - "belonging to; possessed" "belong" ignore sto be short (living) within long (process of dying), and possession represents repression (loss) of expression (growth). Holding onto spends resistance; while letting go allows growth of resistance while being moved by.
a spiritual gift
a) GIFT (German; poison) aka the sleight of hand for suggested "present" while ignoring perceivable momentum. The remedy for suggested poison (gift) represents resisting the temptation to consent to suggested. Notice how the few keep suggesting "gift-cards" to the many...
b) spirit (to breathe) implies the response-ability (choice) to adapt to impressing as the expression. While doing that; choice has the opportunity to compress the impressing before expression. The more one compresses; the more ones resistance within impressing grows.
Instead of breathing in and out...inhale until chest is filled; then compress by filling the lungs, and then exhale by emptying both. This is btw hidden underneath the transliteration of words such as Yahweh aka YHWH aka YODH - HE - WAW. Pronounce those sounds while breathing as mentioned and there's your spirit being exercised within perceivable sound; instead of being self repressed by suggested words.
Sleight of hand..."express yourself, don't repress yourself"..."and I'm not sorry; it's human nature".
save you
SAVE, verb - "to preserve from injury" within the process of dying represents temporary injury within ongoing health, hence the struggle to stay healthy while dying.
Jesus is both historically documented and described as a White person.
The Roman historian and senator Tacitus referred to Jesus, his execution by Pontius Pilate, and the existence of early Christians in Rome in his final work, Annals (written ca. AD 116), book 15, chapter 44"
Such indeed were the precautions of human wisdom. The next thing was to seek means of propitiating the gods, and recourse was had to the Sibylline books, by the direction of which prayers were offered to Vulcanus, Ceres, and Proserpina. Juno, too, was entreated by the matrons, first, in the Capitol, then on the nearest part of the coast, whence water was procured to sprinkle the fane and image of the goddess. And there were sacred banquets and nightly vigils celebrated by married women. But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order.
Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind.
Mockery of every sort was added to their deaths. Covered with the skins of beasts, they were torn by dogs and perished, or were nailed to crosses, or were doomed to the flames and burnt, to serve as a nightly illumination, when daylight had expired. Nero offered his gardens for the spectacle, and was exhibiting a show in the circus, while he mingled with the people in the dress of a charioteer or stood aloft on a car. Hence, even for criminals who deserved extreme and exemplary punishment, there arose a feeling of compassion; for it was not, as it seemed, for the public good, but to glut one man’s cruelty, that they were being destroyed.
Publius Lentullus, President of Judea, wrote the following epistle to the Senate, under the rule of Tiberius Caesar, concerning the Nazarene called Jesus:
There appeared in these our days a man, of the Jewish Nation, of great virtue, named Yeshua [Jesus], who is yet living among us, and of the Gentiles is accepted for a Prophet of truth, but His own disciples call Him the Son of God- He raiseth the dead and cureth all manner of diseases. A man of stature somewhat tall, and comely, with very reverent countenance, such as the beholders may both love and fear, ** his hair of (the colour of) the chestnut**, full ripe, plain to His ears, whence downwards it is more orient and curling and wavering about His shoulders. In the midst of His head is a seam or partition in His hair, after the manner of the Nazarenes. His forehead plain and very delicate; His face without spot or wrinkle, beautified with a lovely red; His nose and mouth so formed as nothing can be reprehended; His beard thickish, in colour like His hair, not very long, but forked; His look innocent and mature; His eyes grey, clear, and quick- In reproving hypocrisy He is terrible; in admonishing, courteous and fair spoken; pleasant in conversation, mixed with gravity. It cannot be remembered that any have seen Him Laugh, but many have seen Him Weep. In proportion of body, most excellent; His hands and arms delicate to behold. In speaking, very temperate, modest, and wise. A man, for His singular beauty, surpassing the children of men."
Hair- long, curling chestnut parted in the middle
Beard the same color
Ruddy complexion
Grey eyes
Sounds exactly like those old school paintings that hung on Grandma's wall to me!
There are similar arguments that "jews" stole the title from white Europeans who are the real "Jews" of the bible, I thought that was a strong case.
As a christian, im tired of humanity's inability to move beyond Jerusalem, Israel and Jews.
"as a christian" implies as one willingly consenting to suggested Christianity; hence bound to the will of others aka RELIGION (Latin religio) - "to bind anew". Submission to the suggestions of others represents the source of inability to express free will of choice, and the tool of the suggesting few to tire out the consenting many.
That's the whole point of being a Christian, you surrender yourself to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. Out of my own free will, I accept Jesus. That's what faith is.
I submit to Him, not "the suggestion of others". Religion, is "binding anew" man and God. The relationship you have with Christ is profoundly personal, which is why there's (280?) versions of Christian denominations. No one binds themselves to a bunch of old patriarchs from 1000 years ago, which is what people who get all butthurt about "religion" think.
Your incessant "free will" semantic games are Satanic, actually. Satan was the first creation to reject God and pursue his own will. Neuro-linguistically reprogramming yourself to recognize your own agency won't save you.
Jesus said "not my will, but Yours [God] be done" - Luke 22:42 As well as the original prayer 101 instructions He gave, known as The Lord's Prayer: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, as Earth as it is in Heaven
But never fear, anon. What you have is a spiritual gift that is simply misdirected. How wonderful it would be for you to pour over The Word with such vigor. Not only that, but you don't have to know all the answers. Christ is sufficient and when you surrender to Him, he gives you exactly what it is you really need. Because He loves you and created you. The adversary only seeks to kill, steal and destroy and there is no life in that.
I will be praying for you!
Direction (inception towards death) for reaction (life). Even ignorance cannot misdirect; only tempt to ignore reactions.
The foundation for ones strength (vigor) represents the perceivable (sound) underneath the suggested (word), which implies the choice to resist darkness (ignorance) for light (comprehension).
Instead of pouring over suggested information; I express the impressing flow of perceivable inspiration, by choosing to compress it momentarily.
All the temporary words can be defined; redefined and contradicted at will; but only the perceivable sound remains ongoing. May the many build their tower of BABEL (confusion; disorder) out of suggested matter how often it collapses upon itself, the foundation of perceivable sound remains.
Each one already knows (perceives) all (perceivable)'s the lack of comprehension that needs to be grown; while tempted to want to be ignored.
Everything perceivable has to be alive to kill; steal from and destroy it...suggested "no" (nothing) tempts one to ignore perceivable everything.
a) to be (living) implies resisting origin (process of dying).
b) to be (partial) implies within (whole).
c) a point (end of a sentence) represents suggested progressivism (want for outcome)...which tempts one to ignore resisting (living) temptation (dying).
a) one shirks response-ability (choice) over self when consenting to Christianity as suggested in the name of (e nomine) others.
b) before access to "patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti" comes consent to those suggesting it "e nomine"; which represents choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law, which was industrialized by the suggesting few to gain control over the consenting many as RELIGION (Latin religo) - "to bind anew".
c) the natural bond between perceivable (enacting process of dying) and perceiving (reaction of the living) is being ignored when consenting to being "bound anew" under choice to choice contract law.
Choice can only exist at the center of balance (need/want); others tempt choice to ignore balance for imbalance (want vs not want). They then call this conflict "reasoning".
d) The perceivable implication of "patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti" represents PADRI (whole) FILII (partial) SPIRITUS (Latin spirit; to breath aka adaptation of partial to whole).
a) nature sets "free" (will of choice) into the "dom"inance of balance aka free-dom; hence being temporary free (living) within ongoing dominance (process of dying).
b) the lord others are suggesting represents the free will of choice of those suggesting for those consenting to suggested, hence the suggesting few controlling the consenting many.
c) within a balance based system (the momentum of motion)...the responding choice has to be "free", otherwise it couldn't balance between need (perceivable inspiration) and want (suggested information).
From a different within the process of dying implies being temporary growth within ongoing loss aka resistance (need) within temptation (want) aka the balance for each ones free will of choice, situated at the center.
Loss inspires growth to struggle for sustenance (need); while simultaneously tempting growth with loss to ignore the struggle (want).
In other words....everyone perceiving represents "Jesus Christ"; everything perceivable represents "God" and adaptation of perceiving to perceivable represents the "Holy Spirit".
This adaptation as perceiving (partial) to perceivable (whole) implies as free will of choice; which one is being tempted to ignore when consenting to the suggestions of other choices. Furthermore; the "Jesus on the cross" allegory represents ones choice within perceivable (need/want) being tempted on the crossroads (want vs not want); hence nailed to the cross of reasoning over suggested. Ones consent to the suggestions of others represents the "contract with the devil at the crossroads" allegory, and the road represents the only way for all life...inception towards death.
a) free will of choice implies out of; within and therefore in response to perceivable balance...while being tempted to consent to the suggested choices of others.
b) nature offers everything (perceivable) to everyone (perceiving) at every moment (um)...that represents the "need" for those within to adapt to. Meanwhile; to "own" represents your free will of choice to want (suggested information) more than need (perceivable inspiration) offers.
c) temporary (living) within ongoing (process of dying) cannot "own" anything; only utilize everything for the temporary sustenance of self. The parasitic few suggest "ownership" to tempts the vessel (life) within flow (inception towards death) to ignore flow (perceivable) for another vessel (suggested)...that's the foundation for all the piracy allegories aka ones consent to the suggestions of others allows others to carper ones vessel on the high sea. That's what maritime admiralty law and the whole banking system is based about.
a) partial cannot define what "is" without ignoring that whole "was" before one could suggest definitions.
b) DEF-INITION aka DEAF PHOENICIAN represents those who ignore perceivable (sound) for suggested (words)...hence those falling for spell-craft.
c) faithful vs faithless represents a rebranding of agreeing vs disagreeing with suggested information aka want vs not want suggested; while ignoring the need to adapt perceivable; while resisting the want to be tempted by suggested.
d) nature doesn't require faith (agreement) demands adaptation. To be within implies to be expression (reaction) within impressing (enacting).
a) others represent those who suggest you the language used to submit. Nature doesn't communicate words from perceivable to communicates sound. It requires choice to shape a suggestible word out of perceivable sound.
Perceivable to perceiving represents communication (reality); perceiving ignoring perceivable for suggested represents miscommunication (fiction). The few suggest fiction to shape the reality of the consenting many aka crafting their spelling for miscommunication.
b) living within the process of dying represents female (expressing) within male (impressing); hence Fe (minine) male and Wo (mb) man implying coexistence.
Sleight of hand...ADAM (male flow) RIP (momentum) EVE (female form). Momentum (balance of motion) also represents the allegories womb; matrix; mother earth; gaia etc.)
c) SUBMIT', verb [Latin submitto; sub, under, and mitto, to send.] - "to let down; to cause to sink or lower". The few suggest the many to submit (Islam for example); which tempts them to ignore resisting (living) within solution (process of dying) before drowning (death).
One needs to grow resistance (living) within temptation (dying)...not consent to sink.
Aka PER SONOS (by sound); which implies being the reaction to enacting sound aka the resonance (need) or dissonance (want) to sound, hence adapting to perceivable (inspiration) representing resonance; while consenting to suggested (information) represents dissonance.
Sleight of hand..."there's nothing new under the sun". Everything (perceivable) already exists for everyone (perceiving) within. There can't be anything new for partials within whole.
The trick....suggested creationism (implies out of nothing) over perceivable transmutation (implies out of; within and in response to everything). As form (life) within flow (inception towards death)...transmutation of ingredient out of base alchemy implies flow to form (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death).
The so called new bound represents ones willing ignorance of the one and only bond between action and reaction; whole and partial; ongoing and temporary; potentiality and potential; balance and choice; male and female; electric and magnetic; cause and effect; perceivable and perceiving; process of dying and living etc.
"new, néwos, now" implies the perceivable ever changing moment (um) by those perceiving it from within...not something "newly" created.
a) NUMBER - the designation of a unit" + UNIT (Latin unitas; unus) - "one".
b) all represents one in energy, hence "all for one and one for all" or "there can be only one". Being partial (living) within whole (process of dying) implies being ones within oneness.
c) other ones suggest one to count other ones as "two; three; four etc." There exist no perceivable state of "two" in nature..dualism is being suggested as the inversion of perceivable oneness (self differentiation of whole into partial).
What one is looking at represents differentiation (diversity) within the momentum of sameness (equality)...the few suggest the many the inversion thereof...equality (sameness) through diversity (differentiation).
a) your consent to suggested his-story represents the bond of your choice to those suggesting it.
b) choice can only exist within balance, while balance (momentum) can only exist within motion. The few suggest past; present and future to tempt each one of the many to ignore the only position of existence...within the ever changing moment.
Each one represents the accumulation of all that was; the expression for all that is and the potential to shape all that will be.
c) every choice of want (suggested) over need (perceivable) represents a bond among choices; because nature already offers everything needed; which implies that ones choice to want represents the temptation to get it from others within nature.
The few suggest the fiction of past; while the consent of the many represents the self inflicted trauma of upholding loss within memory. Consent to future represents the self inflicted trauma of hope/fear towards outcomes, and consent to present shapes the self inflicted trauma of stress out of mixing both loss and hope/fear.
It's the suggestions of the few which shape loss (his-story); hope (religion); fear (news) and stress (contractual obligations to others) within the minds of the consenting many.
a) responding to suggested information by others implies by free will of choice. I adapt to perceivable inspiration as free will of choice, not in response to what others are suggesting.
b) what you call incessant represents frequency of adaptation as resistance (living) within velocity (process of dying). Doing that grows resistance, while ignoring it for reasoning over suggested information represents the loss of resistance. Hence most feeling spend when reasoning against others; while adaptation to inspiration refreshes the consciousness.
c) a suggested game implies outcome orientation (win); which implies ones consent to a conflict (winning vs losing). Consenting to such tempts one to ignore that being represents the highest value in existence (temporary evaluation within ongoing value).
d) SATAN (adverse; counteracting) implies being the reaction (living) within enacting (process of dying) aka the resistance within temptation. If one consents to suggested "satan" over perceivable "adverse; counteracting"; then one uses reason (want vs not want) over implication (if/then); hence viewing reality through a fictitious lens of conflict.
The living aren't in conflict with the conflict of dying; they represent the opportunity to grow within loss aka the sinus curvature within a base-line, hence having both choices of growing and losing available momentarily.
Those who consent to the suggested brands "god" and "satan" willingly ignore perceivable oneness (balance) for suggested dualism (imbalance), hence always choosing sides; instead of growing self discernment of being the choice at the center of balance...not within a conflict.
Life isn't a game; you already won existence and now need to struggle to sustain your temporary price of being growth (living) within loss (process of dying).
a) pursuit implies the choice to want to own, while ignoring the need to resist the temptation of want. The more one resist want; the more one grows within need.
b) will implies the choice within need/want balance.
a) to know aka "towards knowledge" ignores that knowledge (perceivable inspiration) is enacting towards ones perceiving reaction.
b) the want for answers implies ones quest for wanted outcomes; which ignores being the problem (living) within solution (process of dying), hence struggling to sustain self.
Whatever answer one is looking for...nature already supplies the solution, and whatever question one seeks others to answer, only tempts one further into the ignorance of the available solution aka the solution which dissolves ones existence unless resisted.
Knowledge (perceivable inspiration) represents the opportunity to grow comprehension of perceivable, hence growing the perceiving partial within the perceivable whole by means of adaptation....whatever ones seeks from others only tempts one to stand under (understanding) them; while ignoring to grow comprehension of perceivable.
One doesn't need to seek for knowledge, for it's inherent within everything perceivable. One needs to resist the temptation to ignore perceivable for the suggestions by others, then comprehension becomes inherent within self.
a) Instead of trying to play the strings (neuro) of suggested languages (lingua); I represent INSTURO (to prepare) MENT (mind; memory) within perceivable sound.
b) instead of responding (re) to suggested writing (programma); I adapt to perceivable inspiration within the momentum of motion, hence...the suggested meaning of the words others write are temptation to me; while what they express within a moving system inspires me to adapt.
I don't want to write 15k words for others; I need to express the impressing inspiration for the sustenance of self.
a) agent (process of dying) to regent (living). One cannot act; only react to enacting. Others can suggest "actors" under "directors" to tempt one to ignore perceivable "reaction" implied.
b) OWN, adjective - "belonging to; possessed" "belong" ignore sto be short (living) within long (process of dying), and possession represents repression (loss) of expression (growth). Holding onto spends resistance; while letting go allows growth of resistance while being moved by.
a) GIFT (German; poison) aka the sleight of hand for suggested "present" while ignoring perceivable momentum. The remedy for suggested poison (gift) represents resisting the temptation to consent to suggested. Notice how the few keep suggesting "gift-cards" to the many...
b) spirit (to breathe) implies the response-ability (choice) to adapt to impressing as the expression. While doing that; choice has the opportunity to compress the impressing before expression. The more one compresses; the more ones resistance within impressing grows.
Instead of breathing in and out...inhale until chest is filled; then compress by filling the lungs, and then exhale by emptying both. This is btw hidden underneath the transliteration of words such as Yahweh aka YHWH aka YODH - HE - WAW. Pronounce those sounds while breathing as mentioned and there's your spirit being exercised within perceivable sound; instead of being self repressed by suggested words.
Sleight of hand..."express yourself, don't repress yourself"..."and I'm not sorry; it's human nature".
SAVE, verb - "to preserve from injury" within the process of dying represents temporary injury within ongoing health, hence the struggle to stay healthy while dying.
Jesus is both historically documented and described as a White person.
The Roman historian and senator Tacitus referred to Jesus, his execution by Pontius Pilate, and the existence of early Christians in Rome in his final work, Annals (written ca. AD 116), book 15, chapter 44"
Publius Lentullus, President of Judea, wrote the following epistle to the Senate, under the rule of Tiberius Caesar, concerning the Nazarene called Jesus:
Hair- long, curling chestnut parted in the middle Beard the same color Ruddy complexion Grey eyes
Sounds exactly like those old school paintings that hung on Grandma's wall to me!