Direction (inception towards death) for reaction (life). Even ignorance cannot misdirect; only tempt to ignore reactions.
How wonderful it would be for you to pour over The Word with such vigor.
The foundation for ones strength (vigor) represents the perceivable (sound) underneath the suggested (word), which implies the choice to resist darkness (ignorance) for light (comprehension).
Instead of pouring over suggested information; I express the impressing flow of perceivable inspiration, by choosing to compress it momentarily.
All the temporary words can be defined; redefined and contradicted at will; but only the perceivable sound remains ongoing. May the many build their tower of BABEL (confusion; disorder) out of suggested matter how often it collapses upon itself, the foundation of perceivable sound remains.
you don't have to know all
Each one already knows (perceives) all (perceivable)'s the lack of comprehension that needs to be grown; while tempted to want to be ignored.
to kill, steal and destroy and there is no life in that.
Everything perceivable has to be alive to kill; steal from and destroy it...suggested "no" (nothing) tempts one to ignore perceivable everything.
Direction (inception towards death) for reaction (life). Even ignorance cannot misdirect; only tempt to ignore reactions.
The foundation for ones strength (vigor) represents the perceivable (sound) underneath the suggested (word), which implies the choice to resist darkness (ignorance) for light (comprehension).
Instead of pouring over suggested information; I express the impressing flow of perceivable inspiration, by choosing to compress it momentarily.
All the temporary words can be defined; redefined and contradicted at will; but only the perceivable sound remains ongoing. May the many build their tower of BABEL (confusion; disorder) out of suggested matter how often it collapses upon itself, the foundation of perceivable sound remains.
Each one already knows (perceives) all (perceivable)'s the lack of comprehension that needs to be grown; while tempted to want to be ignored.
Everything perceivable has to be alive to kill; steal from and destroy it...suggested "no" (nothing) tempts one to ignore perceivable everything.