I actually like the concept of BitCoin and think a digital decentralized currency could possiblly work.
You can't be an absolutist on this.
In theory, a digital currency could work. Question is how to you make a physical token that represents a digital currency.
It has its advantages and disadvantages.
One advantage is I can travel worldwide without having to carry physical. currency that can be confiscated, stolen, or has to be exchanged.
Also, if we can cut out all the central banks in the world then it is a huge blow to globalism.
Disadvantage is a super quantum computer could hijack the algorithm and blow the entire digital currency up. But quantum computing would wreak havoc anyways since practically every password could be brute force hacked at that point.
a) DIGITAL (Latin digit; finger)...can you hold digital currency in your fingers?
b) can those within (living) currency (process of dying) hold onto it?
how to you make a physical token that represents a digital currency
TOKEN, noun [Latin signum] - "a sign; something intended to represent or indicate another thing or an event"
What if the temporary living represent a token within the ongoing process of dying aka one thing (partial reaction) representing another event (enacting whole)?
advantages and disadvantages.
ADV'ANTAGE; from ADV'ANCE - "to bring forward".
a) If the process of dying brings forward (advances) those living within; then what's the disadvantage thereof?
b) DIS - "a prefix or inseparable preposition"...if living implies separated position (partial within whole); then would inseparable imply the process of dying without living within it?
cut out all the central banks
A bank curtails currency (riverbanks)...the center of current implies momentum (balance); while the center of balance implies choice. What if resisting the temptation to consent to a suggest bank (curtailing of currency) would allow choice to adapt to perceivable balance...as the center?
What can the living "cut out" from within the process of dying?
currency that can be confiscated, stolen, or has to be exchanged.
If one (life) exists inside current (inception towards death), then can one confiscate; steal or exchange it? What if others suggest a substitute currency to tempt one to ignore the perceivable current? Would your consent to their suggested currency give them the power to confiscate; steal and exchange it?
a huge blow to globalism
Resisting the temptation to consent to suggested -ism, in this case....would "flatten the curve".
a super quantum computer
a) QUAN'TUM, noun - "the quantity; the amount"...the quantity and amount of partial (living) within whole (process of dying) can only be ONE, no matter if one computes (cast together) other ones.
b) SUPER - "above"...as above (living) so below (process of dying) for all represents one in energy.
Question is how to you make a physical token that represents a digital currency.
You print, or write by hand, or emboss on piece of metal or plastic the private key of address containing necessary sum. That's all. Payee add that key to wallet and check that it is valid and have declared sum, than he immidiately could use it or transfer to his main address or just another address with private key known only to him to avoid any payer cheating since while payer know private key too he could use that address to transfer money.
If you would have been RTFM instead of listening shitty economy "experts" and other swindlers, you already would have known that.
I actually like the concept of BitCoin and think a digital decentralized currency could possiblly work.
You can't be an absolutist on this.
In theory, a digital currency could work. Question is how to you make a physical token that represents a digital currency.
It has its advantages and disadvantages.
One advantage is I can travel worldwide without having to carry physical. currency that can be confiscated, stolen, or has to be exchanged.
Also, if we can cut out all the central banks in the world then it is a huge blow to globalism.
Disadvantage is a super quantum computer could hijack the algorithm and blow the entire digital currency up. But quantum computing would wreak havoc anyways since practically every password could be brute force hacked at that point.
a) DIGITAL (Latin digit; finger)...can you hold digital currency in your fingers?
b) can those within (living) currency (process of dying) hold onto it?
What if the temporary living represent a token within the ongoing process of dying aka one thing (partial reaction) representing another event (enacting whole)?
a) If the process of dying brings forward (advances) those living within; then what's the disadvantage thereof?
b) DIS - "a prefix or inseparable preposition"...if living implies separated position (partial within whole); then would inseparable imply the process of dying without living within it?
A bank curtails currency (riverbanks)...the center of current implies momentum (balance); while the center of balance implies choice. What if resisting the temptation to consent to a suggest bank (curtailing of currency) would allow choice to adapt to perceivable balance...as the center?
What can the living "cut out" from within the process of dying?
If one (life) exists inside current (inception towards death), then can one confiscate; steal or exchange it? What if others suggest a substitute currency to tempt one to ignore the perceivable current? Would your consent to their suggested currency give them the power to confiscate; steal and exchange it?
Resisting the temptation to consent to suggested -ism, in this case....would "flatten the curve".
a) QUAN'TUM, noun - "the quantity; the amount"...the quantity and amount of partial (living) within whole (process of dying) can only be ONE, no matter if one computes (cast together) other ones.
b) SUPER - "above"...as above (living) so below (process of dying) for all represents one in energy.
Senseless force (process of dying) causes sensing force (living); hence perceivable (action) causing perceiving senses (reaction).
You print, or write by hand, or emboss on piece of metal or plastic the private key of address containing necessary sum. That's all. Payee add that key to wallet and check that it is valid and have declared sum, than he immidiately could use it or transfer to his main address or just another address with private key known only to him to avoid any payer cheating since while payer know private key too he could use that address to transfer money.
If you would have been RTFM instead of listening shitty economy "experts" and other swindlers, you already would have known that.