Just a guess, but I would suspect it goes something like, "I'm just here to do my job, not to pass judgement for the protectee. That's above my pay grade. If I didn't do it, they'd just get someone else. Why should I give up my chosen profession just because someone else may or may not have done something wrong in the past?"
Writing it out like that, it almost makes sense. I'm surprised I have never yet gotten a mysterious job offer.
I want to know how the secret service justifies their work. surely they are pedophiles. ZERO CHANCE they don't know about clinton's past.
I would love to see an interview where one of them explain why they guard one of those worst fucking people in recent history.
I GUARANTEE this is not "i'm just doing my job. it pays well. if i didn't do it, someone would guard him anyways. bills to pay, ya know."
I bet it's more of, "I guard bill because he hooks me up with children."
I bet it's even more of "ugh .. where am I .. who's this child? ... hey that's me on TV ... it's a recording ... oh my god"
Just a guess, but I would suspect it goes something like, "I'm just here to do my job, not to pass judgement for the protectee. That's above my pay grade. If I didn't do it, they'd just get someone else. Why should I give up my chosen profession just because someone else may or may not have done something wrong in the past?"
Writing it out like that, it almost makes sense. I'm surprised I have never yet gotten a mysterious job offer.