posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +6 / -3

How does the site even get a valuation like that. What are some country's, what do they call that.. GDP.

"Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of all final goods and services from a nation in a given year." That's pretty crazy. How's this work.. all the companies in a country, like any store, the "revenue" they make? You'd think it would be a lot higher.

They have it in GDP (US$ million) by country. Looks like the closest one would be Cameroon Africa 44,212. It's like 44 thousand million. lol. That ranks 94.

How the fuck can twitter be worth that much. How much does it bring in to the country's GDP. Let me check how much profit twitter made last year.

"Twitter generated $5 billion revenue in 2021, a 35% increase on 2020 figures and a significant improvement on the 8% and 13% increase the two years before.Sept 6, 2022"

That's not bad. But they gotta spend money on stuff like paying staff from that, right. How much "profit" did they make after whatever they spent.

Twitter Annual Gross Profit (Millions of US $) 2020 $2,350. So half that. Not bad.

They probably have that 5B going towards the US GDP. The USD GDP is 25,035,164. So you're telling me of that 35B, just twitter was 5B. I don't fucking think so.. cause you can imagine all the companies in the whole US, over a year.. Naw these numbers don't add up. lol.

Anyways.. that 44B is quite a fucking bit to just blow on buying it. Let's check his real-time net worth.

208B. How much did he cough up of his own money?

"But many of the commitments to the Tesla CEO were pledged back in the spring. A group of banks, including Morgan Stanley and Bank of America, signed on earlier this year to loan $12.5 billion that Musk needed to buy Twitter and take it private."

Imagine the fucking "fee" for this loan. What.. he spent 31.5B of his own money? That's a good chunk of his net worth. I guess it's not bad.. it's just 15%. Not like half his money. But this is an "obscene" amount to shovel for this bullshit site that most people don't fucking use. They don't.. most people aren't really on there. Even instagram.. a lot aren't on. They just feel like they're "losers" on instagram. Nothing to post so they don't.. or it'll be private and not much going on in there.

Musk liked the twitter before though, eh.. and he's not on insta. He had a bunch of tweets. But how many of his what is it.. 112M followers.. are fuckin bogus accounts.

And then why the fuck did he even buy it. I think he got pissed off when they kicked out Trump there, eh. Any bullshit social networking site, it's walking on egg-shells. You can't say what you think or it'll get shut down. So all the comments everywhere, is this bullshit "fluff" where you can't really say what you feel or somebody 'll get offended.. you'll get reported for "bullying" or something. So all the comments are just bullshit.

I don't know.. it just seems like a totally obscene amount of money to shovel out for a bullshit site. Like years ago it was more popular.. you know.. like when it began.. when was that.. after myspace crapped out. Then people went to facebook. I think it was around that time. You'd have this "trending" list but bieber's fans kept having him on there too much so they had to change the algorithm. lol. People would have got on there but never really hung out much. Cause it's like.. what do you do.. brown-nose some fuckin blue checkmark asshole who ignores you. Nothing goes on with these bullshit sites.

At least myspace in it's heyday when what's his name.. newscorp. Yeah.. Rupert Murdoch. And I think he only paid 500M. This was when it was king, eh. So that was a good deal. Everybody was on there too. The pages you could customize them. You'd check your feed you could see what was going on with everybody, not this bullshit algorithm. You could have a blog area. I liked the music player when you'd check a page.. could discover new music. Bands could have their stuff there and get discovered when you'd check a city and see who's ranking good. Since those days.. everybody's a fuckin air head with this 140 character attention span limit. But yeah.. this 44B though.. I guess if it rakes in 5B a year, hey.

But why would he wanna buy this bullshit site though.. especially for that much. Like, this shit ain't going "upwards", eh.. where it'll make more money later. People's attention span is fragmented all over the place. This isn't it's hey-day like back then, when it began. People got all kinds of other things to do.

Look at who's tweeting musk in real time. I bookmarked this the other day.

I think they're generally "losers", eh. lol.. like pick a random one.. or even just hover over it to see their follower count. People can't get followers these days. These are all just a bunch of losers trying to get attention. That's who's on this bullshit site. You won't see no hot women. lol.

So I don't know.. like why would he wanna buy this tumble-weed ghost-town like how myspace was after everybody bailed out. lol.

And then especially now.. you can picture these people who wouldn't like him snooping in their inbox seeing who they're privately messaging. You can bet he's snooping around, eh.

That's like when myspace went down.. when celebs accounts were getting phished and they didn't trust the place.

Then ya got changes they'll be doing. But come on.. you can't fix this piece of shit. lol. It ain't gonna bring all these people hangin out over there instead of wherever else.

So why would he buy this piece of shit.. lol.. especially for that high a fuckin price. Like what's the difference before.. he could still use it. Why this need to buy it. So he can stop this censorship? I think he felt like they could have shut him down for who knows what. And he's so addicted to it.. it was like the only way he could deal with that.. was to buy the fuckin thing so he didn't have to worry about getting kicked off like Trump. lol. Jeez.. that's a high bill for that "hobby" where he's addicted to tweeting.