posted ago by AnimalsOverHumans ago by AnimalsOverHumans +16 / -0

Jake Tapper's parents tried tax evasion but to be fair it was a noble effort, citing they didn't want to help the US pay for the bullshit Vietnam war crimes https://is2.4chan.org/pol/1665031864107990.png

Taylor Lorenz's parents own the Way Back Machine I think Taylor Lorenz fits this as well: she came from a rich family that sent her to private schools and unis, and she's been the gay lobby's pit bull at the Washington Post.

Anderson Coppoer = Anderson Vanderbilt

Matt Yglesias people knew about. Fareed Zakaria, whose parents are effectively foreign royalty.

I looked into German Journalists recently. Turns out the main propaganda outlet for Ukraine BILD has reporters assigned that are either Gay or Jewish. I dom‘t make this up. Look up Rinzheimer & Piatov. These two assholes cry non-stop for more war and more money sunk with these clowns

Tbf Tucker Carlson is a billionaire in waiting due to his stepmother's fortune, and Hannity makes $50m a year as thanks for promoting the War on Terror robbery and Saddam narrative, now he coasts on blooper reels.

Mika Brzezinski of Morning Joe, is the daughter of Zbigniew Brzezinski. His other 2 sons are diplomats and deep statists.