posted ago by FurriesRock ago by FurriesRock +2 / -17

This was originally a comment to another post, but I believe it deserves it's own post as a topic of discussion as it is vitally important to recognize the contributions of the Jewish community to our present freedoms and benefits.

Actually, it is thanks to the Jews that we enjoy many of the freedoms and benefits we enjoy today.

Jews have been at the forefront of civil rights and social justice programs for decades. It's thanks to the Jews that homosexual and transgender people no longer have to hide for fear of discrimination. It's thanks to the Jews that minorities aren't treated as second class citizens anymore. It's thanks to the Jews that we no longer have religious (Christian) censorship of print, film, and other media. It's thanks to the Jews that women are allowed to use birth control after two thousand years of religious (Christian) oppression. It's thanks to the Jews that the Rich white men have to work harder to lie to the public to start foreign wars, take away civil rights, and end benefit programs which help the poor.

We owe the Jews a lot.>