posted ago by freedomlogic ago by freedomlogic +7 / -0

Im a fairly horrible op, I dont check things out regularly or even reply to most of my messages, but I do feel the need to share things sometimes.

If your familiar with my posts, you will often see me talking about cyclical disaster's. And I just wanted to share why I am fairly interested in this theory.

In ignatius donnelly's book about atlantis, he recounts plato's story about the earth being repeatedly purged with either water or fire. This was not just a story that plato was obsessed with.

You may wonder where I pull up this number from (120,000 years) so before I start let me explain that. 120,000 years is the estimated time of our current interglacial/glacial period.

The Eemian (also called the last interglacial,[1] Sangamonian Stage, Ipswichian, Mikulin, Kaydaky, penultimate,[2] Valdivia or Riss-Würm) was the interglacial period which began about 130,000 years ago at the end of the Penultimate Glacial Period and ended about 115,000 years ago at the beginning of the Last Glacial Period.[3]

If you take 120,000 years and put it into google books, and set the search to 19th century, you get some very interesting results...

One of them is a book called Principles of Geology by Sir Charles Lyell · 1854 which explains a little more about plato's story.

Egyptian Cosmogony.- Respecting the cosmogony of the Egyptian priests, we gather much information from writers of the Grecian sects, who borrowed almost all their tenets from Egypt, and amongst others that of the former successive destruction and renovation of the world . * We learn from Plutarch , that this was the theme of one of the hymns of Orpheus, so celebrated in the fabulous ages of Greece. It was brought by him from the banks of the Nile ; and we even find in his verses, as in the Indian systems, a definite period assigned for the duration of each successive world. The returns of great catastrophes were determined by the period of the Annus Magnus, or great year,—a cycle composed of the revolutions of the sun, moon,and planets, and terminating when these return together to the same sign whence they were supposed at some remote epoch to have set out. The duration of this great cycle was variously estimated . According to Orpheus, it was 120,000 years; according to others, 300,000 ; and by Cassander it was taken to be 360,000 year.

Another magazine from 1891 called Modern Astrology The "Astrologers' Magazine", Volumes 2-3 reinforces this idea.

CYCLE.-From the Greek , Kuklos. The ancients divided time into endless cycles, wheels within wheels , all such periods being of various durations, and each marking the beginning or the end of some event either cosmic, mundane, physical, or metaphysical . There were cycles of only a few years, and cycles of immense duration ; the great Orphic cycle , referring to the ethnological change of races, lasting 120,000 years ; and the cycle of Cassandrus of 136,000, which brought about a complete change in planetary influences, and their correlations between men and gods— a fact entirely lost sight of by modern astrologers. —Extract from the Theosophical Glossary.

In another book, called the electic magazine in 1882,

Thus the ancient Chaldeans taught (according to Diodorus Siculus) that when all the planets are conjoined in Capricornus the earth is destroyed by flood; when they are all conjoined in Cancer the earth is destroyed by fire. But after reach such end comes the beginning of a new cycle, at which time all things are created afresh.

Why do all these religions, greek, egyptian, hopi, indian, all have stories about reoccurring periods of destruction. Do you think these are just nonsense legends? I think its funny that this was common knowledge a hundred years ago but now were taught that its "man made".

Plenty of geological evidence to suggest its more than just a legend....

Three deep ice cores pulled from Greenland record the past 120,000 years.1 Three deep cores in Antarctica-Dome Fuji, Vostok, and Dome C-allow researchers to look back 340,000, 420,000, and 740,000 years, respectively.2

Further corroboration comes from a sediment core drilled off shore from New Zealand’s Southern Alps. It reveals the past 3.9 million years of Earth’s crustal history.3

People talk about the doom and gloom, but I think its important to understand the endgame when it comes to the big picture of everything. Am I suggesting to give up and live with no hope. No, but I think people specifically here because we deal with such tremendous pressure from our peers and familys need to be reminded that life is a fleeting thing and we should be thankful for the time we have while we have it. As an Appalachian, I do very well living in the moment.

I dont know, but when I think about it I get some comfort from the epic of gilgamesh when Gilgamesh is lamenting enkidus death. Siduri tells him..

'Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying? You will not find that life that you pursue. When the gods created mankind, They allotted to him death, But life they retained in their own keeping. As for you, Gilgamesh, fill your belly with good things, Make thou merry by day and by night. Of each day make thou a feast of rejoicing, Day and night dance and play! Let your clothing be sparkling fresh, Thy head be washed; bathe thou in water. Love the child that holds on to thy hand, Make your wife happy in your embrace! For this is the lot of mankind!'