Of course, he really does tip his hand as he struggles with the very politically correct answer:
Why are they constantly beating this dead horse? Yes, we understand that, that was a year and a half ago. Let’s focus on things that are concerning American people today....
So if you still have a problem with a rigged Presidential election and everything we've suffered because of it, well, screw you pal, move on. So anyway, Ron's going to be running in a Presidential election and....
At this point, with a split up of the US becoming more likely, I'd rather ensure Florida remains a viable state.
He won't run if Don does. And Jeb Bush had more.
Jeb yawn won't have much public support.
Regrettably, the scales really keep tipping towards a certain conclusion with DeSantis. Here's your warrior for truth and justice, folks:
DeSantis still won’t say if he thinks 2020 election was stolen (6/16/2022)
Of course, he really does tip his hand as he struggles with the very politically correct answer:
So if you still have a problem with a rigged Presidential election and everything we've suffered because of it, well, screw you pal, move on. So anyway, Ron's going to be running in a Presidential election and....