no. its gonna be much worse. and people have NOOOO fucking idea what's coming. the covid lockdowns, combined with the fear and paranoia mass propaganda gaslighting experiment, combined with supply chain issues, combined with more big government control, combined with what the WEF and eco green nazis want to do, WE ARE SOO FUCKED.
so live your life how you are doing now. we dont even fucking know what its going to be like next month at this rate
One difference: I have no hesitation this time around. Any and all government health mandates are getting hit hard and fast as they appear.
no. its gonna be much worse. and people have NOOOO fucking idea what's coming. the covid lockdowns, combined with the fear and paranoia mass propaganda gaslighting experiment, combined with supply chain issues, combined with more big government control, combined with what the WEF and eco green nazis want to do, WE ARE SOO FUCKED.
so live your life how you are doing now. we dont even fucking know what its going to be like next month at this rate
No, we are heading for an earnings recession and deflationary collapse, until CBs start printing again, and then it's the last hurrah.
And consumers are near max tapped out on credit as it is, with more pain coming with layoffs and increased inflation.
The Great Repricing is coming.
no. it's not going to be a recession. at this rate? we are headed towards a fucking depression, baby
We getting Trump back? it be nice if trump was back.