It's kinda funny how people can have complete distrust in the elite, and pass the IQ test in that regard, yet still believe 100% unquestioningly in the total and perfect veracity of a book compiled half by the Vatican and half by the priesthood of a giant temple built by Masons
I don't understand how do people advocate complete distrust of the elites but at the sane time tell you to believe in a God worshipped by literal Zionists and tells you how to live.
Have all the conspiracies of power, religion and politics you want... do you read Jesus's teachings and think he was a bad person or a force for evil?
To see that he works for good, one does not even need to consider him from a religious perspective... even if you think Jesus was just a man, he was clearly a man of good deeds.
a) IN'NATE, adjective [Latin innatus, from innascor; in and nascor, to be born.] ...implies to be out of; hence in response to.
b) the response in your example represents want (good) versus not want (evil); while ignoring need (perceivable) for want (suggested).
force (Latin fortis; power)
The temporary living represent the force of resistance within the ongoing force of velocity (dying)...hence the need to respond by resisting the temptation of wanting.
Etymology is an interesting thing, but it is a diversion.
Your response is inane and pointless for the English standard definitions of these words are clearly the intended ones.
Innate: (from the Latin you mention) something you are born with, not learned or adopted.
Second, fortis is the Latin word for force. You have no idea what velocity is, however. F=ma. a=dx/dt V (in shorthand). Even as an abstract analogy, velocity representing death is stupid.
Etymology is an interesting thing, but it is a diversion.
The foundation for that diversion represents the suggested word over the perceivable sound; hence the few crafting the spell of the consenting many through suggestion of idolized meaning; which in return allows the few to define (idolatry); redefine (revisionism) and contradict (talmudic reasoning) any and all suggested meaning.
INA'NE, adjective [Latin inanis, empty.] - "to express a void space". ONE (perceiving) within ALL (perceivable) cannot express emptiness, since the differentiated ONE exists at the center of the whole ALL. Or in other be able to express implies responding to impression....impression (perception) to compression (comprehension) for either expression (growth) or repression (loss).
pointless for the English standard definitions of these words are clearly the intended ones.
a) perceivable sound represents impressing origin; most suggested words tempt one towards outcomes. Living within the process of dying implies resisting origin to grow life before reaching outcome.
b) INTEND', verb [Latin intendo; in and tendo, to stretch]'s living that is being stretched within the process of dying aka from inception towards death. That stretch represents growth within loss aka self sustenance of form (life) within flow (inception towards death).
c) I utilize 1822 Websters (or older sources) to show the suggested revisionism upon words, while adding an expression through my comprehension of perceivable sound.
d) DEFINITE (within boundaries) -TION (through action). Form (choice) within the momentum (balance) of flow represents temporary reaction bound to ongoing action. Everything perceivable represents predefined inspiration for all perceiving it from within to sustain themselves by adaptation to it.
The issue with adaptation within balance (momentum of motion) is the center...choice; hence both need (adaptation to balance) and want (ignoring balance for suggesting choices) aka responsibility to sustain life (growth) and temptation luring towards death (loss)...both coexisting.
something you are born with
NATURE, noun - "born, produced". You are within nature aka one thing (living) within everything (dying) aka reactor (growth) within generator (loss). What ONE lacks within ALL represents the as of yet untapped potentiality (loss) offered towards each ones potential (growth). In other words...ONE represents a seed (comprehension) within the soil of ALL (perceivable).
The parasitic few use suggested information to tempt the many to understand (stand under) others; while ignoring to grow comprehension out of perceivable inspiration.
Second, fortis is the Latin word for force. You have no idea what velocity is.
Living represents the force of temporary resistance within the ongoing force of velocity (dying). Notice that you as the living cannot perceive your own inception and death; yet are still moving within it. What the many are tempted by the suggestions of the few is to ignore the ever changing moment aka the moment-um of motion. Enacting flow (inception towards death) causes momentum (balance) for responding form (life with choice).
F=ma. a=dx/dt V
All suggested math is based on 0 aka an affixed state to count from; which tempts those counting to ignore being the 1 (choice) within ALL (balance). Math tempts ONE to seek solutions to suggested problems; while ignoring that being moved from inception towards death represents the solution and that each ONE within represents the resistance to being solved aka transmuted back to base.
Consider form to flow (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death) as ingredient ONEs (living) transmutation out of base ALL (dying)? How to tempt the many to ignore perceivable transmutation (implies out of everything)? With suggested creationism (implies out of nothing).
The parasitic few suggest the many to seek order out of chaos; which tempts them to ignore that they represent temporary chaos (living; growth) out of the ongoing natural order (dying; loss).
Instead of the suggested mathematical formulas; question flow (inception towards death) as the origin of form (life)? Look at the rhetoric used to obfuscate this like...HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.] + AN'IMAL, noun [Latin animal from anima, air, breath, soul.]. Those represent us being animated (animal) form (human); which implies out of animating flow.
Another one...the suggested meaning "insane person" tempts one to ignore the perceived implication of "in sanus" (within sound) + "per sonos" (by sound) aka being within; by; out of and therefore in response to the perceivable source of sound; which implies the responding choice of resonance (need) and dissonance (want).
velocity representing death is stupid
a) STUPID, adjective - "to stop". The temporary (living) cannot stop within the ongoing (dying); but suggesting to each other to be stupid breeds ignorance towards motion.
b) hold your breath and wait until the impressing force of velocity will caused your responding force of resistance. Once again...impression; compression; expression. Also...SPIR'IT, noun [Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe.] aka form to flow adaptation.
Remember the sleight of hand by the parasitic few "I can't breathe" leads to death; followed by the suggestion "put a mask over your nose and mouth". This represents spiritual warfare by suggestion.
Fake edit: question being a reaction within an enacting system? The velocity you are measuring represents the mimicked reactions within the momentum of the ongoing action. Comprehending to be resistance within velocity; form within flow; potential within potentiality; choice within balance, magnetic within electric; temporary within ongoing; living within dying; growth within loss; ONE within ALL represents the growth of self discernment.
Afterwards ONE can start growing comprehension about the ONEness (energy) of ALL (loss/growth) or as the sleight of hand goes "one for all and all for one"
Then there's this comment right below:
I don't understand how do people advocate complete distrust of the elites but at the sane time tell you to believe in a God worshipped by literal Zionists and tells you how to live.
People have an innate sense of good and evil. Jesus was a force of good.
True. Everyone is born with the light of Christ.
You see fren. This is how they win.
The conspiracy started 2000 years ago not in 2020 !
Have all the conspiracies of power, religion and politics you want... do you read Jesus's teachings and think he was a bad person or a force for evil?
To see that he works for good, one does not even need to consider him from a religious perspective... even if you think Jesus was just a man, he was clearly a man of good deeds.
I think Jesus is as much a fictional story as Santa Claus and the cohoax. that's all
a) IN'NATE, adjective [Latin innatus, from innascor; in and nascor, to be born.] ...implies to be out of; hence in response to.
b) the response in your example represents want (good) versus not want (evil); while ignoring need (perceivable) for want (suggested).
The temporary living represent the force of resistance within the ongoing force of velocity (dying)...hence the need to respond by resisting the temptation of wanting.
Etymology is an interesting thing, but it is a diversion.
Your response is inane and pointless for the English standard definitions of these words are clearly the intended ones.
Innate: (from the Latin you mention) something you are born with, not learned or adopted.
Second, fortis is the Latin word for force. You have no idea what velocity is, however. F=ma. a=dx/dt V (in shorthand). Even as an abstract analogy, velocity representing death is stupid.
The foundation for that diversion represents the suggested word over the perceivable sound; hence the few crafting the spell of the consenting many through suggestion of idolized meaning; which in return allows the few to define (idolatry); redefine (revisionism) and contradict (talmudic reasoning) any and all suggested meaning.
INA'NE, adjective [Latin inanis, empty.] - "to express a void space". ONE (perceiving) within ALL (perceivable) cannot express emptiness, since the differentiated ONE exists at the center of the whole ALL. Or in other be able to express implies responding to impression....impression (perception) to compression (comprehension) for either expression (growth) or repression (loss).
a) perceivable sound represents impressing origin; most suggested words tempt one towards outcomes. Living within the process of dying implies resisting origin to grow life before reaching outcome.
b) INTEND', verb [Latin intendo; in and tendo, to stretch]'s living that is being stretched within the process of dying aka from inception towards death. That stretch represents growth within loss aka self sustenance of form (life) within flow (inception towards death).
c) I utilize 1822 Websters (or older sources) to show the suggested revisionism upon words, while adding an expression through my comprehension of perceivable sound.
d) DEFINITE (within boundaries) -TION (through action). Form (choice) within the momentum (balance) of flow represents temporary reaction bound to ongoing action. Everything perceivable represents predefined inspiration for all perceiving it from within to sustain themselves by adaptation to it.
The issue with adaptation within balance (momentum of motion) is the center...choice; hence both need (adaptation to balance) and want (ignoring balance for suggesting choices) aka responsibility to sustain life (growth) and temptation luring towards death (loss)...both coexisting.
NATURE, noun - "born, produced". You are within nature aka one thing (living) within everything (dying) aka reactor (growth) within generator (loss). What ONE lacks within ALL represents the as of yet untapped potentiality (loss) offered towards each ones potential (growth). In other words...ONE represents a seed (comprehension) within the soil of ALL (perceivable).
The parasitic few use suggested information to tempt the many to understand (stand under) others; while ignoring to grow comprehension out of perceivable inspiration.
Living represents the force of temporary resistance within the ongoing force of velocity (dying). Notice that you as the living cannot perceive your own inception and death; yet are still moving within it. What the many are tempted by the suggestions of the few is to ignore the ever changing moment aka the moment-um of motion. Enacting flow (inception towards death) causes momentum (balance) for responding form (life with choice).
All suggested math is based on 0 aka an affixed state to count from; which tempts those counting to ignore being the 1 (choice) within ALL (balance). Math tempts ONE to seek solutions to suggested problems; while ignoring that being moved from inception towards death represents the solution and that each ONE within represents the resistance to being solved aka transmuted back to base.
Consider form to flow (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death) as ingredient ONEs (living) transmutation out of base ALL (dying)? How to tempt the many to ignore perceivable transmutation (implies out of everything)? With suggested creationism (implies out of nothing).
The parasitic few suggest the many to seek order out of chaos; which tempts them to ignore that they represent temporary chaos (living; growth) out of the ongoing natural order (dying; loss).
Instead of the suggested mathematical formulas; question flow (inception towards death) as the origin of form (life)? Look at the rhetoric used to obfuscate this like...HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.] + AN'IMAL, noun [Latin animal from anima, air, breath, soul.]. Those represent us being animated (animal) form (human); which implies out of animating flow.
Another one...the suggested meaning "insane person" tempts one to ignore the perceived implication of "in sanus" (within sound) + "per sonos" (by sound) aka being within; by; out of and therefore in response to the perceivable source of sound; which implies the responding choice of resonance (need) and dissonance (want).
a) STUPID, adjective - "to stop". The temporary (living) cannot stop within the ongoing (dying); but suggesting to each other to be stupid breeds ignorance towards motion.
b) hold your breath and wait until the impressing force of velocity will caused your responding force of resistance. Once again...impression; compression; expression. Also...SPIR'IT, noun [Latin spiritus, from spiro, to breathe.] aka form to flow adaptation.
Remember the sleight of hand by the parasitic few "I can't breathe" leads to death; followed by the suggestion "put a mask over your nose and mouth". This represents spiritual warfare by suggestion.
Fake edit: question being a reaction within an enacting system? The velocity you are measuring represents the mimicked reactions within the momentum of the ongoing action. Comprehending to be resistance within velocity; form within flow; potential within potentiality; choice within balance, magnetic within electric; temporary within ongoing; living within dying; growth within loss; ONE within ALL represents the growth of self discernment.
Afterwards ONE can start growing comprehension about the ONEness (energy) of ALL (loss/growth) or as the sleight of hand goes "one for all and all for one"