You already could easily observe that phenomena in social networks. When the "collective mind" completely take over individual one (if latter exists at all). Technology could be different, but the result is same. But the real question is who is in control of that "collective mind"?
And as any other mind, "collective mind" AKA "egregor" is vulnerable to manipulation by malicious entity. Since "collective mind" have no any noticeable ability for critical thinking (if not thinling in whole, I suppose "egregor" IQ/ability of logical thinking equal or even significantly lower than of dumbest member) things become much worse, because "collective mind" don't have even rudimentary protection from manipulation.
You already could easily observe that phenomena in social networks. When the "collective mind" completely take over individual one (if latter exists at all). Technology could be different, but the result is same. But the real question is who is in control of that "collective mind"?
The "collective mind" becomes its own entity and is control of itself
And as any other mind, "collective mind" AKA "egregor" is vulnerable to manipulation by malicious entity. Since "collective mind" have no any noticeable ability for critical thinking (if not thinling in whole, I suppose "egregor" IQ/ability of logical thinking equal or even significantly lower than of dumbest member) things become much worse, because "collective mind" don't have even rudimentary protection from manipulation.