Is This What You Wanted? Ruble Reaches Two Year High Against Dollar
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FX Swaps are not even close to that. What are you smoking?
Extremely high-interest rates paired with high inflation. You know how that is called?
Look it up.
Getting out of that will be pretty much impossible for Russia.
Add to that no foreign investments (unless you consider Chinese economic colonialism), Western Nations in the mid-term getting rid of Russian gas, no significant domestic industrial production, no access to Western high-tech components.
Russia is fucked for generations to come.
I don't care about your fake economic monetaristic theories and don't care what you smoke. You want figures, I gave you figures. If you don't like them, I don't care. I don't have figures to satisfy your imaginary theories. Take them anywhere else.
This is not extremely high for Russia. This is just average for last two decades. Nobody cares.
Russian government have no any plans to get out of "that".
There was too lilttle foreign investments due to high corruption and high risks. Also, there was no any really useful for Russia investments at all, like building high-tech enterprises and factories to utilise raw resources in place and sell final products to the West, not raw resources. So, we didn't have foreign investments in the past, do not have them now. What have been changed?
That's excellent! More cheap gas and fuel for internal Russia market. I personally think that selling our raw resources abroad is a complete stupidity and treason. No raw resources should be sold abroad at all. Only final products made from them locally for completely another price.
What do you mean? There are no significant production on the West, not in Russia. Yes, production in Russia is lower than in China, but greater than Western one.
For a long time I saw nothing high-tech "Made in West". Even high-tech things bought from the Western companies have inevitable "Made in China" labels everywhere. So what exactly you mean under "Western high-tech components"? Don't get me wrong, I like high-quality high-tech tools "Made in USA" or "Made in Germany". Where could I find them now? Can I buy a car that really "Made in Germany", not assembled in Kalinigrad from Chineese and Turkish parts? Will buy two.
As you wish. Better be "fucked" that way, than strictly follow all that NWO agendas, from LGBTXYZ+ shit to snitching on neighbours for not wearing a mask at home.
Ask your tank factories where their optics, motors and fuel pumps come from.
Just to give you one example.
You are ignorant but that does not mean thank things aren't happening.
Your country is already a corrupt shithole and soon it will be a 3rd world corrupt shithole.
Motors, pumps and all that stuff is local. Optics is from Israel. Electronics components are from China. Nothing from the West. At the time when Russia was going to join NATO there was some deal on buying IIRC French optics, but Israeli lobby is too strong here too, It was 20 years ago, and I'm not shure France still make that optics at all. Engines are also local, because West have no decent tech to make sufficient gas turbine engines for our transmission and fuel.
Example of what? Complete Western failure on manufacturing goods?
I already forgot much more than you ever will know.
As any other country in the world. Coronahoax is a perfect proof of that. Difference is in that Russians do not care about Russian government laws and orders, that is why we have less vaxxed than any other "civilized" country.
Russia is a "3rd world corrupt shithole" for over than 30 years. So "soon" nothing will change at all. All that stupid Western sanctions against Russia are completely useless for the declared goals. I think that eventually Russia, even Russians, not only corrupt jewish oligarchs and state officials of Russia will gain some profit from that stupid sanctions. West did not do any harm for Russia, it force Russia to ignore and workaround Western shithole that produces nothing except narratives, "consulting" services and cutted paper.
Sorry, but I can't help you to make your dreams true. West is a real target of current NWO warhoax, not Russia.
And at the current times it is much better to be "3rd world corrupt shithole", than woke civilized democratic liberal tyranny.
Fucking liar. Thales made the optics and fire control components for the T90.
Russian guided artillery shells use US made fibreoptic gyroscopes.
Russian drones use Japanese cameras and German engines.
The oscillators in the TOR-M2 are made in the UK.
Without electrical components from Europe, Russian military radios would not work.
Russia has relied on the West for electrical components for almost all their modern military hardware because they have no internal manufacturing capability.
You are completely full of shit.
Russia strong! Russia is a strong independent country that don't need no international trade!
If you don't sell your resources then your country cannot buy anything from outside of Russia because you have nothing worthwhile to sell otherwise.
You cannot manufacture most of the things you need because your country is a 3rd world shithole that has no significant manufacturing capability and what there is, is dependent on foreign components, machines, tools etc.
Do you want to go back the prehistoric times?
The question is not "What Russia could offer for sale to the world?", the question is "What world could really offer for Russia for sale?".
Being "3rd world corrupt shithole" Russia, despite 30 years of NWO shills attempts still have decent aerospace, MIC, food production, agricultural machinery and all other stuff that is enough to perfectly sustain without any outside trade.
Sad for western NWO shills, I know.