Is This What You Wanted? Ruble Reaches Two Year High Against Dollar
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You seem to have a pretty fixed position of hate on this forum.
Clearly you have no idea about the state of global economics to have this position. You cannot measure Russian anything with your tooling, this much is clear.
So, totally meaningless is your comment.
Explain please how one can trade the Ruble into foreign currencies in Russia right now. If the Ruble is really so strong then Russians must buy plenty of other currencies.
So what's the current trade volume?
I guarantee that you will not answer the question/
25 billions a day for CNY/RUB trade now and growing fast. That was a monthly volume just in February.
Oh, I forgot, everything that is against narrative or from Russian source is a Russian propaganda.
The claim is that Rubble has reached a high against USD. What's the volume for that?
and while you are at it, do you know what interest rates snd inflation are currently in Russia?
~150 billions a day and falling. There are no demand for USD due to sanctions and it obviously loosing in price. At least until IMF via Central Bank of Russia will take some aggressive action to force international trade to USD back. However, at least now, it could be dangerous for IMF and its shills here, since business tasted the freedom from the forced USD abroad payments and it will be very agressive unrest for any IMF shills movement.
Interest rates are 17-20% year, depending on the bank, few percent higher than before sanctions, Central Bank key rate is set to 17%. Still too high for long-term business projects, but no any significant change in comparison to the last decades and not hte highest one we had earlier.
Inflation is different for different groups of goods, From 100% for wooden planks (for unknown for me reason, but that happened before all that NWO mess in Ukraine) to -50% for some branded gadgets due to lack of official dealer extra charges. Fuel and energy are stable. For the food and other daily stuff it is around 20% a year, with some obvious seasonal oscillations, but nothing extreme at all. Nowhere near the times when you exchange bag of money to the bag of food in a grocery with 200% a month inflation.
Overall, real impact of sanctions is very far from what was declared by West and sanctions are much worse for the West than for Russia. I think that it is intended and according to NWO plan. That fucking bastards want to do harm to the West, not Russia.
What dumb shit have you to say now? where is the relevance? just more evidence you have no idea how any of this shit works.
You have no idea why the value of any fiat currency is what it is on the world stage, you are simply just repeating nonsense over and over.
if you need to ask these questions it shows how ignorant you are.
if Russia claims a specific exchange rate but nobody can trade then that rate is meaningless.
You seem to live in a fantasy where you do not understand the internalization forced upon Russia by the west.
This means your stupid economic models and expectations do not fit. Your understanding with trade and your logical destruction carried out by the CrazyRussian itself reveals your ignorance.
You are confused on what era it is, what is current what is in the past, you are just confused in general.