Flat Earth was designed to make Conspiracy Theorists look like idiots, but too many of them started brushing it off too quickly. They learned their lesson. Birds Aren't Real was designed for the same purpose, but was deliberately made to be ridiculous.
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I have seen some shit. Seen this bird of prey a few times, same one, different places, hovering there. I actually thought damn that's a fake bird. It's just hovering there like a spy drone. Maybe it's a spy bird. This bird of prey was hovering above my head, and spying.
No, but spy birds are real, seen them on a documentary. The bird spied on other birds, and they're definitely perguine falcons.
Of course birds are real. Spy birds aren't. Birds can be trained, so they can become drones and deliver messages, or be fit with cameras so they take pictures. There was also a plot in the war to make bomb birds. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Pigeon
There was another crude project to manipulate flight patterns to down planes, and obviously their use under radar. Drones have changed all of this, birds are unreliable. But is there imaging that can hide low flying drones? Yep stealth drones are real, but they aren't birds. So what was that spy bird doing hovering there. Hahaha.
yah, but lizards?
cause i heard yer moms a lot-lizard.