Quick rundown: Suicidal redditor wants to shoot up discord/twitch HQ
Quick rundown: Suicidal redditor wants to shoot up discord/twitch HQ
LARP, attention whore, whoring. Average Redditor. But chuckles do it to Google and Facebook. No, don't.
If there's more. VPNs are quite compromised by anybody who needs to get you on a terrorist level. They have to comply. If they don't there are many workarounds. Harder if he's using a different access point other than home. But GPS and CCTV will get that.
VPN is like the ultimate cuck. It largely offers anonymity to certain cookies. What it doesn’t do is shield you. Unless you're off the grid and are connecting to it via secure means. It generally means in nations that don't comply with standard IP protocols.
From the 4chan thread. "This is totally not Twitch and Discord "trust and safety" team desperately trying to justify their existence. Definitely not."
Most of the crazy killers in history have had valid grievances.
We still shouldn't condone random acts of violence on innocents. Misdirected aggression is a no-no.
I admire some of them myself, as someone who has a hatred of prostitutes and whores.
If it happens, I tried to get him to stop.
Nothing gonna happen from the looks of it. From 4chan "I've picked the elementary school On Monday the Esperanza Elementary School will be my target, located at 680 Little St, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Again, thank you all for the replies and bring me ammo to 45855 Kaiser Road, Desert Center, CA Just drop the ammo by the shed (I live in the shed on the property)".
Must be retarded (and will be caught before that) or expected glowie/troll fake.
Probably an elaborate SWATting attempt