Question flow to form (inception); form within flow (life); form to flow (death) from the perspective of being the sinus curve (temporary form) within the base line (ongoing flow)?
How would one opt out; while being within (form within flow). How does the processed opt out of being processed? What would you evaluate higher...reincarnation after death or self sustenance of life?
being persuaded to come back
a) can one perceive this persuading choice above ones own free will of choice or was it suggested by the choice of others aka "in the name of" (in nomine)?
b) if choice represents the response to balance; then choice represents the center of balance; which is required for balancing. Any other position within balance would imply imbalance; hence corrupting choice. Where does the "persuading" other choice come into such a system? How can choice at the center of balance have another's choice above it?
having to repay negative karmic debts
If flow causes momentum as the balance for the responding choice of form within; then all formed existence exists within a balance based system; which implies that every imbalance is temporarily shaped within balance; hence in ignorance of balance.
Who is one gonna repay for the imbalance caused while ignoring balance? Doesn't causing imbalance imply having to exist within the consequences thereof?
Furthermore; KARMA; (Sanskrit) - "action, work" implies flow (action) to form (reaction) aka flow/form as the internal power of EN'ERGY, noun [Greek; work.] - "internal or inherent power".
The parasitic few utilize sleight of hands (notices of liability); not for afterlife karmic alleviation, but as on the fly re-balance; while simultaneously using suggestion of imbalance towards the ignorant many.
a soul contract
The soul; spirit (Latin spiro - "to breathe") contract represents the natural bond of balance (perceivable offer) to choice (response to perceived). Adaptation represents ONEs sole contract within ALL.
our personality
Per (by) + Sonos (sound) + -ality (choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; in ignorance of balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law).
Ones consent to the suggested -ality is what corrupts ones comprehension of a) being by (per) sound (sonos) aka person and b) being within (in) sound (sanus) aka insane.
"our" represents the claim upon that which is offered (flow) to those within (form) aka the choice to ignore need (response-ability) for want (temptation). This is also what tempts the parasitic few to exploit ignorance by suggestion of more temptations.
Question flow to form (inception); form within flow (life); form to flow (death) from the perspective of being the sinus curve (temporary form) within the base line (ongoing flow)?
How would one opt out; while being within (form within flow). How does the processed opt out of being processed? What would you evaluate higher...reincarnation after death or self sustenance of life?
a) can one perceive this persuading choice above ones own free will of choice or was it suggested by the choice of others aka "in the name of" (in nomine)?
b) if choice represents the response to balance; then choice represents the center of balance; which is required for balancing. Any other position within balance would imply imbalance; hence corrupting choice. Where does the "persuading" other choice come into such a system? How can choice at the center of balance have another's choice above it?
If flow causes momentum as the balance for the responding choice of form within; then all formed existence exists within a balance based system; which implies that every imbalance is temporarily shaped within balance; hence in ignorance of balance.
Who is one gonna repay for the imbalance caused while ignoring balance? Doesn't causing imbalance imply having to exist within the consequences thereof?
Furthermore; KARMA; (Sanskrit) - "action, work" implies flow (action) to form (reaction) aka flow/form as the internal power of EN'ERGY, noun [Greek; work.] - "internal or inherent power".
The parasitic few utilize sleight of hands (notices of liability); not for afterlife karmic alleviation, but as on the fly re-balance; while simultaneously using suggestion of imbalance towards the ignorant many.
The soul; spirit (Latin spiro - "to breathe") contract represents the natural bond of balance (perceivable offer) to choice (response to perceived). Adaptation represents ONEs sole contract within ALL.
Per (by) + Sonos (sound) + -ality (choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; in ignorance of balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law).
Ones consent to the suggested -ality is what corrupts ones comprehension of a) being by (per) sound (sonos) aka person and b) being within (in) sound (sanus) aka insane.
"our" represents the claim upon that which is offered (flow) to those within (form) aka the choice to ignore need (response-ability) for want (temptation). This is also what tempts the parasitic few to exploit ignorance by suggestion of more temptations.