Even at highest level of hysteria no propaganda machine will use anything that could discredit few things:
- Authorities of enemy as a system. Propaganda could tell that it is a bad dictator/president/leader/whatever, but never will say anything that could seed a distrust of enemy population to the institute of authority itself.
- MSM of enemy. Propaganda could tell that they lie, cheat, spread disinformation, whatever, but never will say something that could ruin the whole concept of MSM in enemy country
- Banking system of enemy. Again, propaganda will never discredit banking system in the eyes of enemy population
- Laws of enemy. Propaganda will never call enemy population to ignore their laws.
- Voting system. Propaganda could tell that there was voting fraud, but will never try to convince enemy population that voting is a complete hoax from the beginning.
Interesting, that most powerful things propaganda could use against enemy never really used.
They want to capture the instructions not destroy them. They take generations to build
Correct. There are separate groups of elites competing for power that want to skim off the top to redistribute the wealth to their connected friends and supporters. Sometimes, it can be shown that a mutual enemy will cause them to come together (Trump for instance) but they want to be parasites and not kill the host.
One small "black swan" is these generally correct observations. When the West decided collectively to go after South Africa, they violated all of these except going after the banking system.
The universal taboo is covid world, though.
Institute [Latin instituo; in and statuo] aka being within state; hence choice within balance aka form (life) within flow (inception towards death).
Trust implies choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; which represents the inversion of balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law. The won't allow the questioning of authority itself; because choice represents ONEs (form) sole authority within ALL (flow)...unless ignored for the suggestions made by the choice of others...their choices.
All suggested idols causing a cult of personality among those consenting to them aka suggested choice over the consenting choice.
The whole suggested "following leaders" narrative ignores the perceived reality of being alive as the resistance to being moved by the natural order towards death. The few don't lead; they tempt. The many don't follow; they ignore to resist.
Mainstream (allegory for flow) + Media (from medius - "middle") aka an allegory for suggested information as the parasitic "middleman" to perceived inspiration from being moved by the mainstream of flow (inception towards death).
Balance represents ALL perceivable value; choice represents ONEs responding evaluation thereof. How to corrupt that? Suggestion of a substitute value (currency); which when consented to; devalues choice of evaluation.
The laws of nature can only be comprehended by adapting to perceived inspiration; because form within flow exists within constant change, and so the only thing that cannot ever change are the rules that define how change operates.
All the suggested laws of men deceive those consenting to them to ignore growing their comprehension about the laws of nature. Suggestion (laws of men) over perception (laws of nature) represents the choice of want over need aka fiction over reality aka information over inspiration aka temptation luring towards death over response-ability to sustain life.
A choice (suggestion of representative government) to choice (consent to vote) contract law, in ignorance of balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law.