A friend of mine is in the service and stationed in DC. He says that there are certain units where the soldiers are picked to look good in a uniform, for photo ops like this. They are tall and fit, basically military models. So these guys were probably hand picked specifically for this role, so that people would see our military and think they were all supersoldiers.
Height requirements or restrictions are nothing new for certain roles.
Modern fighter pilots cannot be more than 5'11" to fit in a cockpit.
When England first formed grenadier regiments (now called marines) they only took the tallest burliest men, so they appeared large and intimidating. Also the reason soldiers used to wear tall hats, to make them seem larger.
I don't think these guys are anything too unordinary
I'm pretty sure that the soldiers for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier have pretty strict height/waist requirements, like 6'3 or 6'5 or above and a 26 or 28 inch waist.
Possibly grown in a hive, I dunno. But could be an explanation for the tall boys there.
It's odd that I can not find this particular photo anywhere; only one I can find is where they are walking in front of the Marines and flag and are giving salute/hand over heart
A friend of mine is in the service and stationed in DC. He says that there are certain units where the soldiers are picked to look good in a uniform, for photo ops like this. They are tall and fit, basically military models. So these guys were probably hand picked specifically for this role, so that people would see our military and think they were all supersoldiers.
real cro magnon hours
Height requirements or restrictions are nothing new for certain roles.
Modern fighter pilots cannot be more than 5'11" to fit in a cockpit.
When England first formed grenadier regiments (now called marines) they only took the tallest burliest men, so they appeared large and intimidating. Also the reason soldiers used to wear tall hats, to make them seem larger.
I don't think these guys are anything too unordinary
Camera perspective? That or they are the cloned super soldiers being grown in the hive
I'm pretty sure that the soldiers for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier have pretty strict height/waist requirements, like 6'3 or 6'5 or above and a 26 or 28 inch waist.
Possibly grown in a hive, I dunno. But could be an explanation for the tall boys there.
Not grown in a hive.its really prestigious duty to get and yes there are requirements for height and fitness
I needed that confirmation.
You really aren't a smart Mason, huh?
If you are a gay Mason, yes.
You'd probably LOVE saluting old HW there.
Masons :Making annoying bitches annoying-er
What, manning a gravesite doesn't sound prestigious to you either? LOL
The Mason there wants to be America's Cryptkeeper. :)
Judging from the ones I've met personally, they've got the look and vibe for it.
It's odd that I can not find this particular photo anywhere; only one I can find is where they are walking in front of the Marines and flag and are giving salute/hand over heart
Here's one that's close. That was from the google. Tin eye might be worth a shot.
It’s the curvature of the earth