"People that are in power seeking a specific outcome want to shut debate down. They do this because power steps into the void when reason no longer exists and gets to define reality for you from up above. ... When everything is taken from you, the truth is the only thing you have left. ... and information becomes your most powerful weapon."
- Maajid Nawaz on JRE 1780 ~ 1:49:00
No. The Enter Net, is why. It hasn't been easier.
Nice. Entering into choice (suggestion of information) to choice (consent to suggested information) contract law puts one into the net of those making the suggestions.
You are allowed to be wrong.
Does nature communicate "wrong" information to ones perceiving senses? Does nature suggest anything perceivable to be "right" information? What if nature simply moves everything within; which communicates constant inspiration to the perceiving senses of those within?
What if your consent to a suggested word (idolized meaning) as "right" is required for others to contradict it as "wrong", and what if the parasitic few suggest meaning; redefinition of meaning and contradiction of meaning; simply to keep the ignorant many within the conflict of reason (wanting versus not wanting suggested information).
Can you show me perceivable "wrong; false" information; communicated by nature, instead of shaped by the choices of those within nature?
Tards can't understand perspective, which is why they are globetards. They perceice what nature is showing them wrongly. Is nature communicating wrongly when retards are too dumb to understand their own eyes?
a) all others represent inspiration (need) and temptation (want) aka balance (need/want) for your responding choice. Branding them "tards" tempts yourself to ignore them as needed inspiration. You need to draw that inspiration by your choice based adaptation; while resisting the temptation to fall for their suggested information.
b) understanding represents "standing under" the suggested information of others. It's the parasite inversion of comprehension aka compressing all perceived inspiration into ones comprehended information thereof. If one then suggests that comprehended information; it tempts others to ignore growing their own comprehension. This is what is being parasitically exploited by suggestion.
c) the perceived reality (inspiration) is self explanatory; all suggested fiction (information) tempts ignorance of perceived.
d) perspective aka by perception (hence growth of comprehension)...not by standing under the suggestions of others. The entire education system is about consent to ignore growing comprehension; by suggesting the seeking of understanding.
There's neither wrong; not right in nature. What one perceives implies constant change (moving inspiration for choice to respond to). Right versus wrong represents the conflict of reason caused by ignoring perceived (inspiration) for suggested (information).
Every suggestion towards choice represents "want vs not want"; yet before that comes the choice based response to perceived balance (need/want). Reason represents the imbalance caused by the choice (want over need) to ignore balance, and the parasitic few use suggestion (all -isms; all suggested information) to cause division (reason aka imbalance) among the many.
The conflicts can then be rebranded by the few at will into right vs wrong; true vs false; left vs right; believing vs not believing; capitalism vs communism; nationalism vs internationalism; rich vs poor; us vs them; pepsi vs coke etc.
The imbalance (want vs not want) destroys those who consent to ignore balance (need/want) and free will of choice is the key in-between.
The communication issue is based on words used to suggest information; which tempts everyone to ignore perceived inspiration (moving differences). Instead of constantly adapting to moving differences; we are being tricked to consent to suggested labels; brands; idols; words; idolized meaning, slapped upon everything. All our reasoning (want vs not want) is about theses suggested idols...the affixed brands we slap onto a moving system.
We call it "wind" but it's the moving behavior we perceive before the suggested word. This goes for everything perceived, and the more we consent to suggested; the less we comprehend about perceived; yet that isn't a "we" issue; but the response-ability (choice) of each one. I cannot choose for others to not ignore perceived (sound) for suggested (word).
You are literally a nigger. Read the very definition of it. Abbrev. IN. Specifically; enter net. Yet somehow you think you learned some shit. No. Somebody, and something learned everything about you. And they trapped you inside for their control. Too the point of today. Where it wants to put you inside it. It wants to drive your car. Control your entire household. Stop your revenue. Target your opinion and prevent you speaking.
You have learned shit. You're a nigger. Factually much dumber than you ever have been. Planetary as well. Look at it. All that EMR. Waste from its crappy trinkets changing daily but losing lifetime and giving you more crap to put you inside it.
No I am not wrong. This pandemic wouldn't have existed without it. It was the point of it.
Why can't I report this post?
Reported, nigger. Why, you proved it.