Notice two things here...a) -des; from -dis - "lack of; not; apart; away" and b) pair from par - "couple; to join".
What if as ONE within ALL; consenting to the suggestions of another causes the "pair" and the resulting "lack of" towards the perceived ONEness of ALL aka the perceived U'NITY, noun [Latin unitas.] - "the state of being one; oneness" instead of the suggested togetherness.
To consent to suggested implies choice submitting to choice aka contract law; also called RELIGION, noun [Latin religio, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind.]. The original bond under natural law implies choice responding to perceived balance (need/want); while resisting the temptation of suggested choices by others (want vs not want).
Hong Kong, China; Macau
Who suggested those brands; who consented to those suggested brands, and who holds the power to define; redefine and contradict meaning in the name of those suggested brands for all those consenting to it?
What if these names (all names; all words; all languages; all suggested information) represent idolatry (idolized meaning; that when suggested; tempts those consenting to ignore perceived meaning)? Question spell-craft aka "crafting the spelling of others through suggestion"?
A little less like "abracadabra" and a little more like "Insane" (in sanus aka within sound) + "Person" (per sonos aka by sound) aka the difference between suggested words "Insane Person" and perceived sound "within and by sound"...defined by ones free will of choice.
Want of outcome; instead of need to sustain self within momentum.
Believe the blueprint.
Submission of free will to suggestion by will of others.
The entirely of us goes to the same whereabouts of a single individual.
Allegory for being individual form (life) within collective flow (inception towards death); yet corrupted by suggestion of outcome (goes to) over the only real placement (momentum).
Nationalists are in charge.
Nationalist implies consent to suggested nationalism; which ignores that nation implies "a people"; hence each one of them; not collective ignorance; while consenting to suggested -isms by a few.
Charge implies accumulation; while being form within flow implies differentiation of collective ALL (flow) into individual ONEs (form). Therefore...flow (velocity) represents the offered charge and form the responding recharge.
Words of encouragement
Words don't give (encourage) to mind (ment); they are shaped by the choice of others out of perceived sound and suggested as idolized meaning towards ones choice of consent; which represents the temptation to ignore perceived (sound) for suggested (word).
Words don't give; they tempt to give away (comprehension of perceived; self discernment; response-ability; free will of choice) and of course giving away represents ignorance of ALL (flow) being given to each ONE (form) within.
Should have ended it with a sign by "K" or something. There is no Kanon. Kanon was a fabrication of the newspapers.
That's Qanon. I do not know what Kanon is.
kanon is a japanese adult visual novel developed by key released in 1999 for the windows pc lmao
Aside if you're in Hong Kong, not even China or Macau, your only blueprint is despair.
you are wrong my blueprint is lmao
Notice two things here...a) -des; from -dis - "lack of; not; apart; away" and b) pair from par - "couple; to join".
What if as ONE within ALL; consenting to the suggestions of another causes the "pair" and the resulting "lack of" towards the perceived ONEness of ALL aka the perceived U'NITY, noun [Latin unitas.] - "the state of being one; oneness" instead of the suggested togetherness.
To consent to suggested implies choice submitting to choice aka contract law; also called RELIGION, noun [Latin religio, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind.]. The original bond under natural law implies choice responding to perceived balance (need/want); while resisting the temptation of suggested choices by others (want vs not want).
Who suggested those brands; who consented to those suggested brands, and who holds the power to define; redefine and contradict meaning in the name of those suggested brands for all those consenting to it?
What if these names (all names; all words; all languages; all suggested information) represent idolatry (idolized meaning; that when suggested; tempts those consenting to ignore perceived meaning)? Question spell-craft aka "crafting the spelling of others through suggestion"?
A little less like "abracadabra" and a little more like "Insane" (in sanus aka within sound) + "Person" (per sonos aka by sound) aka the difference between suggested words "Insane Person" and perceived sound "within and by sound"...defined by ones free will of choice.
Want of outcome; instead of need to sustain self within momentum.
Submission of free will to suggestion by will of others.
Allegory for being individual form (life) within collective flow (inception towards death); yet corrupted by suggestion of outcome (goes to) over the only real placement (momentum).
Nationalist implies consent to suggested nationalism; which ignores that nation implies "a people"; hence each one of them; not collective ignorance; while consenting to suggested -isms by a few.
Charge implies accumulation; while being form within flow implies differentiation of collective ALL (flow) into individual ONEs (form). Therefore...flow (velocity) represents the offered charge and form the responding recharge.
Words don't give (encourage) to mind (ment); they are shaped by the choice of others out of perceived sound and suggested as idolized meaning towards ones choice of consent; which represents the temptation to ignore perceived (sound) for suggested (word).
Words don't give; they tempt to give away (comprehension of perceived; self discernment; response-ability; free will of choice) and of course giving away represents ignorance of ALL (flow) being given to each ONE (form) within.