at the deepest level of both areas there seems to be a common trend or conclusion. That everything that has happened to us is a result of some small powerful group controlling and pulling the strings behind the scenes and hiding our true history and origin
bare in mind I dont speak for everyone, theres tons of theories and its not 100% black and white but there seems to be a common one associated with alien intervention and the possibility that we are being ruled by a secret alien race
now within the flat earth community (some) have incorporated there own theory on this and tbh its fucking interesting.
alot of flat earthers believe the same idea, that everything is the result of us being controlled but instead of aliens were being controlled and influenced by a highly advanced ancient race of humans.
there isnt a real purpose to this post just something interesting iv noticed
I didn't say anything about flat earthers... Flat earthers (the few of them that genuinely exist) largely believe the world is flat (just like the globe believers do about the globe) and merely parrot what their latest "authority" told them was true.
IQ has absolutely nothing to do with the likelihood of becoming a braindead parrot mindlessly repeating what you were "taught" (through conditioning by rote under the guise of education) as gospel and inerrant truth beyond doubt.
Another of the army of FE shills appears, right on queue
Same person with multiple accounts or are you all in a room somewhere in Israel?
And that made it difficult for you to understand? If you don't understand something, you should ask questions!
No, I'd prefer to appear to be a moron. Ask anybody.
Ugly!? Do you live in a city?
That is largely a controlled opposition psyop that you have experienced. It is designed to prevent you from ever looking into the subject seriously.
Flat earthers don't really exist beyond that, a contrived stereotype for the purpose of slander. Flat earth researchers, of which I am one, are most often not flat earthers.
Would you care to provide some of your favorite resources that aren't a part of the "controlled opposition psyop"?
I'm open to the idea of space being fake and gay (NASA's definitely full of shit), but not willing to sit through another single hour of maligned bullshit to try to find competent information (that I've currently written off as nonexistent)-- but since you seem to have already done that, surely you wouldn't mind sharing your favorite resources? If you do, I'll give it a go.
This is a request made in good faith.
Sure! However, the subject is one of active research and active researchers. The conclusions they reach, and the sources they employ are diffuse. There is no singular bible or textbook to point to (though many recommend "earth not a globe" as a decent place to begin - though heavily christian slanted and biblically oriented)
My favorite resource is me! I am an active researcher in the subject, focusing primarily on the scientific history regarding the subject. Please ask me anything.
The best way to understand what flat earth research is, is to ask specific questions! Through that process I can suggest more specifically relevant "resources". Otherwise the "resources" being employed are the totality of human knowledge, history, and science available to us.
I mourn your wasted time, as I mourn my own. If I were to direct you to a video to watch, it would likely be of a direct observation or specific scientific concept and not some sort of "aggregate" infotainment video. There are undoubtedly some that are worth watching, but you have to wade through an ocean of bullshit to find them (part of that psyop, for obfuscation).
It sounds like you have already conducted a little research yourself, seeing your feelings towards nasa. What brought you around?
I need to be clear, that the vast majority of flat earth research is conducted by independent researchers (such as myself). As such, the approaches, "resources", and conclusions vary wildly. I cannot stress this enough. Even that the world is flat is not agreed upon. This is the way it OUGHT to be when good research is actually being conducted.
I can share my views, my conclusions, and my "resources". But I can't speak for anyone else.